“Citrus Superstar” PROTECTS Your Heart

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, When it comes to natural health, there are new advancements every day. If you’re a frequent reader of mine, you’re probably well-versed on natural compounds… You may even supplement with a few already! But there’s an entire group of compounds that few know about – phytonutrients. Phytonutrients include carotenoids such...

5 Surprising Breakfast Health Benefits (Wow!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Growing up, my mother practically pulled her hair out trying to get me to listen to her advice. Here’s the thing: I can’t think of a single time when my mother gave me advice that was wrong. And now her advice has been proven yet again, this time about breakfast....

Nighttime Threat DESTROYS Blood Sugar AND Sleep

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There’s nothing like a good night’s sleep. There’s a lot riding on your sleep—including your overall health. Poor sleep can lead to a number of problems, like weight gain and even lung disease. And now your odds of getting a good night’s sleep have just gotten worse. Researchers have found...

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Mailbag! End Embarrassing Bedroom Problems FAST

I had surgery on my prostate for BPH several years ago, and it’s affected my love life. I’ve heard about nitric oxide levels causing this problem—is this true? –Robert from Dallas, TX Robert, The answer to your question is a little difficult to answer. Sadly, your symptoms are NOT unique: many men find they have...

Mainstream Medicine LINKED to Cataracts!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It seems like every time you turn on the news, Big Pharma’s drugs are causing MORE problems than they “fix.” Whether it’s addictive painkillers or (yet again!) another drug recall, it’s clear that Big Pharma doesn’t care… and neither does the FDA. It almost seems as though the drug companies...

RECLAIM Your Energy with This Fatigue Defeater

Dear Living Well Daily Readers, Severe tiredness and exhaustion go hand in hand with cancer, and it’s horrible. The worse the cancer and more extensive the treatment, the worse the fatigue. Ask any mainstream doctor about relief from fatigue and they will say something like, “unfortunately, good pharmacological treatment options are limited.” Which means: the...

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Delicious Snack REDUCES Your Heart Disease Risk

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Seems like the whole world is way too complicated sometimes… especially when it comes to healthcare. For instance, if you want to lower your risk of heart disease, your mainstream doctor will most likely hand you a prescription for a multitude of drugs… plus tell you to lose weight too....

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30-Second Trick FIGHTS Heart Failure

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, About 6.2 million adults in the United States have heart failure. When you visit your mainstream doc’s office, he’ll tell you that heart failure is the result of clogged arteries, high blood pressure, diabetes, being overweight, lung problems, and heart valve problems. It can make you feel like your health...

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Mailbag! 10 Tips to Conquer Spinal Arthritis

I have arthritis in my spine. What would you suggest to help manage it? –George from Cedar Rapids, IA George, Believe it or not, many people learn that they have spinal arthritis as they age. It’s very common. There’s a lot you can do to help keep it from advancing or even reverse some of...

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Calm Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs (Easy!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There is a plague of anxiety sweeping the nation. And who could blame us? Anyone with half a brain SHOULD feel anxious about the state of the world. But like any other epidemic, just because something is going around doesn’t mean you should accept it. More importantly, having anxiety does...

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“Food Reboot” HALTS Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you or someone you love suffers from multiple sclerosis (MS), you already know how the disease can turn your life upside down. The stiffness and mobility problems slowly strip away your independence… and leave you in pain. Talk to your mainstream doc and he’ll just shrug their shoulders –...

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[Men] Do You Have the Breast Cancer Gene?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re a woman, chances are you have heard about the BRCA gene (BReast CAncer gene). Scientists have known for a long time that a mutation in one of two breast cancer genes, BRCA1 or BRCA2, increases the risk of getting breast cancer. But, men, listen up – just because...

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Greek Plant Extract SOOTHES Joint Pain

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Some people might shrug when you tell them you have knee pain… but that’s only if they haven’t experienced firsthand. Chronic pain from osteoarthritis is no joke— it can destroy your life. Joint pain makes moving incredibly difficult and can keep you from doing the things you love. Before you know it,...

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Deadly Disease 8 TIMES More Likely for Crohn’s Patients

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Inflammation is supposed to be a normal response for your body. It’s one of the key defenses protecting you. Inflammation can sometimes be our friend… when it helps fight off infections and clears away debris, that is. The problems start when inflammation blazes out of control or lasts longer than...

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Mailbag! 5 Ways to Soothe Your Psoriasis

I have psoriasis, and I was wondering what supplements or natural treatments there are out there. –Bill from Riverside, CA Bill, As you probably know, psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease where the body attacks the skin as if it were a foreign invader. Psoriasis affects about two percent of the U.S. population. Normal, healthy...

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Coffee Compound LOWERS Cholesterol

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’m on a personal mission to rescue coffee from the hands of the nutritional puritans who think that anything fun is not good for you. Despite what the mainstream would have you believe, the news on coffee has improved in recent years. Researchers have pinpointed many powerful plant nutrients, like...

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“Citric Element” Whips Your Brain into Shape!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Some suggest pretty complicated ways to keep your brain healthy as you age. Going back to college… doing complicated puzzles… taking what feels like 30 bottles of pills a day… It can make you feel like giving up before you’ve even started! But what if there was something MUCH easier...

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100-Year-Old Trick STOPS Arthritis Pain

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re tired constantly refilling pain prescriptions, you’re not alone. And if you’re even MORE tired of the side effects that come with them, who could blame you? For far too long, Big Pharma has held arthritis patients hostage… promising relief while they rob you blind. It’s time for something...

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Breast Cancer Treatments INCREASE Risk of 2 Chronic Diseases!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you talk to the average mainstream doctor about breast cancer, he’ll probably advocate for chemotherapy.***** A new study revealed that women who had chemotherapy had a much higher chance of developing hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes. And I’m not surprised. The article, which appeared in the Journal of...

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Delicious Indulgence SHRINKS Your Diabetes Risk?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Are you puzzled by the mainstream advice about diabetes? I don’t blame you. They’ll have you saying no to every indulgence… demanding you lose weight… and telling you to take their expensive medications to stave off the disease. But in all of their finger-wagging, they have missed something completely. A...

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