heart attack

"Carrot Cure" Keeps Arteries Clean

You want to keep your arteries clean and clear. That much is obvious, right? After all, you NEED good blood flow to deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. When blood vessels become clogged, they can’t do this VITAL job. Typically, when folks hear clogged arteries, the first thing that comes to mind is the...

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Cause of “Broken-heart” Deaths REVEALED!?

You’ve undoubtedly heard a heartbreaking story or two about someone quickly passing away from grief after losing their spouse. Sadly, research confirms these tragic tales are TRUE. In fact, we ALL face an elevated risk of a “broken heart” death after someone close to us dies. But it turns out dodging death isn’t the ONLY...

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Poor sleep causes pain in a seniors calf.

Bedroom Habit DOUBLES Risk of KILLER Condition

I don’t mean to alarm you. Well, on second thought, maybe I do. Because being nervous just might motivate you to make changes that could save your life. Peripheral arterial disease, or PAD, doesn’t get much attention. In fact, there’s a good chance you’ve never even heard of this dangerous (and potentially deadly) condition. But...

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"Safe" Sweetener Puts You in HARMS Way

Scientists have insisted for years that artificial sweeteners are chemically inert. They said these Franken-sugars pass through your body unaltered, changing nothing along the way. But now those SAME scientists are being forced to eat crow… over and over again. A growing body of research confirms that fake sugars DO have adverse health effects after...

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MAILBAG: Exercise AFTER a Heart Attack?

“My wife had a heart attack a few months ago. She’s sitting around and doing even less than she did before. I’m a regular reader and know you’ve mentioned moving is important for heart attack patients. What are some safe things she can do to keep moving? How much should she move?” – Rob from...

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The Most DANGEROUS Aisle in the Grocery Store

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Next time you stroll into your grocery store, stop and take a good look around. I’m betting one thing you won’t feel at that moment is fear. If you’re like most people, you’re comforted by the familiarity of the grocery store. You know that you’re about to fill up your...

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The Heart Attack WARNING SIGN You Need to Know

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There are a lot of things you can prepare for in life. You can stock up on extra toilet paper (as we definitely learned in the pandemic!), make sure you keep the oil changed in your car and buy life insurance… But when it comes to a heart attack, it...

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[Men] Could Your Workout KILL You!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Studies sometimes surprise even me. I’ve known for a long time that exercise is good for many conditions, including diabetes. But I never would’ve never guessed that a particular workout could be bad for people with diabetes… especially men. Yet, a new study has uncovered something alarming. Working out at...

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Common Heart Scan USELESS for Women? (Shocking)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, My wife and I were lucky enough to get our annual physicals done before the omicron surge took off… and boy, am I glad we did! Though we’re relatively young (both of us just now hitting our mid-50’s), we like to stay on top of our health as much as...

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“Ticking Time Bomb” Leads to HEART ATTACK

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There’s a lot of things you can prepare for in life. You can stock up on extra toilet paper (as we definitely learned in the pandemic!), make sure you keep the oil changed in your car, and buy life insurance… But when it comes to a heart attack, it can...

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