
Survive Thanksgiving WITHOUT Gaining Weight

We all LOVE Thanksgiving. But the day after? Not so much. If you’re like many folks, you’ll spend this Friday wondering how in the heck you ate all that food. And absolutely TERRIFIED of setting foot on the scale. Sliding your scale under the bathroom sink until Groundhog Day might seem like a good solution....

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Say "No Thanks" to THESE 4 Thanksgiving Foods

Feel that? Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and EXCITEMENT is in the air. Turkey Day is the official start of the holiday season. And you know what that means. We’ll be gobbling down all our favorite foods until New Year’s… and THEN we’ll resolve to start eating better again. Because, let’s face it,...

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3 Thanksgiving Dinner Myths REVEALED (Surprising!)

We can all agree that the best part of Thanksgiving is the MEAL itself. But the next best part has to be all the tall TALES told around the dinner table as everyone shares their favorite bits of family lore. Some of them are true. And some… well… let’s just say we ALL have an...

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6 Superfoods for Your Thanksgiving Menu

If you’re like many folks, your Thanksgiving menu is practically set in stone. But, unfortunately, as delicious and time-honored as it is, America’s favorite meal is often FAR from healthy. So, why not try something different this year? Adding even a few fall superfoods to your Thanksgiving menu can TRANSFORM your favorite meal of the...

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Avoid This BIG Thanksgiving Mistake

Should you be paying more for organic turkey this Thanksgiving or is that factory farmed bird is just as good? Find out how to keep dirty birds off your table this year.

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Combat Ulcers, Cancer, and Heart Disease With This Thanksgiving Favorite

This holiday staple can help you fight ulcers, heart disease, and cancer.

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Is Organic Turkey Healthier?

Should you pay more for organic turkey this Thanksgiving?

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