weight loss

MAILBAG: Head Off Holiday Weight Gain

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’ve gained a bit of weight over the last few years, and my doctor keeps telling me to lose it. It’s hard to do, especially now with the holiday season starting. Is there anything easy I can do without having to just eat leaves while everyone enjoys turkey and stuffing?...

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The “EAT MORE FAT” Secret to Staying Slim

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,   Thanks to DECADES of mainstream nutritional misinformation, Americans are terrified of fat. They fear eating fat even though sugar and vegetable oils are the true villains. And I’ve yet to meet an American that doesn’t believe all body fat is bad, too. Of course, you don’t want to carryi around...

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How Diet Trends TRIGGER This Disease Risk

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It happens to all of us. You hear about an exciting new diet, and you’re ALL IN! You follow the diet perfectly and lose some weight. But then you lose your motivation. Or something kicks you off your plan, like a vacation or family event. Suddenly you’re back to eating...

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Tasty Fruit ELIMINATES Stubborn Belly Fat

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, For better or worse, summer is the prime season for folks to realize they’ve gained a few pounds in unwanted places. And it doesn’t matter what age you are, you want to feel good about yourself… and LOOK good too! But now, you might just have a secret weapon in...

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Stamped envelopes.

Mailbag! How to TAME Hashimoto’s Disease Symptoms

I live with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and I’m having trouble controlling my weight. What would you recommend? –June from Hickory, NC June, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition where the thyroid is being attacked by the immune system. This “attack” knocks out the production of thyroid hormones, causing hypothyroidism (or an underperforming thyroid). The thyroid and...

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Delicious Snack REDUCES Your Heart Disease Risk

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Seems like the whole world is way too complicated sometimes… especially when it comes to healthcare. For instance, if you want to lower your risk of heart disease, your mainstream doctor will most likely hand you a prescription for a multitude of drugs… plus tell you to lose weight too....

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Stamped envelopes.

Mailbag! 10 Tips to Conquer Spinal Arthritis

I have arthritis in my spine. What would you suggest to help manage it? –George from Cedar Rapids, IA George, Believe it or not, many people learn that they have spinal arthritis as they age. It’s very common. There’s a lot you can do to help keep it from advancing or even reverse some of...

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“Flavor Trick” Helps You MELT Fat!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, All you have to do to lose weight is eat less and exercise more. Right? Hopefully, you know how misguided and wrong that standard mainstream medical advice is. Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight by following that advice knows how badly it works… and how downright difficult it...

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Two people cheering drinks.

Delicious Drink PREVENTS Falls? (Wow!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There are a lot of things people don’t tell you about staying healthy into your golden years. You’ve heard that you should take care of your heart, your brain, and your blood sugar. But one of the biggest dangers you’ll face as you age doesn’t get talked about enough… Falling...

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family mother, grandmother and children paint eggs for holiday

Easter Favorite SHEDS Pounds!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Happy Easter! There are so many things to love about this spring holiday. If you’re like most Americans, you’ll probably celebrate by dyeing and hiding eggs, baking a delicious ham with all the fixings, or indulging in Easter basket candy. But did you know that one of these Easter favorites...

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