weight loss

SLASH Your Risk of Early Death 51 Percent! (Irish Secret)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Whether you lift a pint or simply wear green, today’s the day that everyone gets to be Irish. But I bet there’s one way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day that you didn’t know about. It’s not a pub crawl with the youngsters, and it doesn’t involve...

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“Cruise Control” Method MELTS FAT (Incredible!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It seems like everything these days is instant. You can send an email to a friend and they can read it seconds later… you order something online and it ships right away… you can even rent a movie through your TV! While all this convenience is great, I like to...

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Surprising Migraine Trigger REVEALED (Wow!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you suffer from migraines, I’ll bet dollars to donuts you’ve tried everything. You’ve gone through bulk-size bottles of Advil… you’ve tried skipping caffeine AND having extra… you’ve tried massages and maybe even Botox… And none of it’s done a darn thing to make your migraines go away. But now,...

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SHED Pounds with This Cozy Beverage

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Everyone SWEARS they’ve cracked the code when it comes to losing weight. The tips range from starving yourself to running ten miles a day to eating only grapefruit during the full moon. And the thing is, far too often these are just fads that don’t do a thing to erase...

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Emperor’s Beverage SHREDS Fat Overnight!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I don’t know about you, but I don’t like listening to someone brag… especially when it comes to losing weight. Some people out there treat shedding a few pounds like scaling Mt. Everest! And while you should always be proud of yourself for slimming down and getting healthy, it doesn’t...

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A TASTY Weight Loss Hack?!

Staying healthy (especially this time of year) and keeping your weight balanced can be tough.   Not to mention, we are all already spending more time at home and looking for comfort – oftentimes in “comfort foods.”   But now research has found a great way to, not only improve your overall health, but also to get that smaller waist WITHOUT starving yourself.   And it’s all thanks to this TASTY weight...

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Slash Type 2 Diabetes 40%!

Dear Reader,  Few things in life are free.  Most of the time you get what you pay for….  But — what if I told you that you could do just a little bit of work and get a BIG payoff for your health?   Especially if you are worried about (or have) diabetes.   Would you take it?   I’m talking about weight loss.   Now hold on, before you delete this message...

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Mainstream LIES About This Popular Breakfast Drink

Dear Reader, Almost all foods (like soy, almonds, coffee, milk…) have advertising companies trying to convince you to eat more of their product. The problem is, most of these advertisers base their claims in “truth”, but occasionally they tell lies. Lies which can be harmful to your health. And that is exactly what happened when...

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“Healthy” Drink Is DESTROYING Your Waistline

Dear Reader, Pretend it’s lunchtime on a Friday. You’ve decided you’re going to treat yourself (it’s the weekend after all) and place an order from your favorite restaurant. You look over your options and decide you’re going to treat yourself with some French fries or breadsticks to go with your meal. Maybe you’re feeling just...

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This Diet Makes Your Breast Cancer Come Back!?

 If you’ve fought breast cancer and won, it feels like a HUGE victory. Because it is! But there’s always that voice in the back of your head that says… what if it comes back? It’s a valid thought… especially when many folks suffer this fate. Fortunately, now researchers have uncovered a secret trigger that switches...

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