The Superfood That Changed My Dog’s Life (Photos Inside)

  • I spent $4,000 to ease my dog’s pain so you don’t have to
  • Could your dog be suffering from this common chronic condition?
  • Wave goodbye to vet bills with this natural solution!

Dear Reader,

$1,641 is a nice chunk of change.

It’s an amount that most folks don’t have just sitting around.

Heck, it might be more than you pay for electricity each year.

The point is it’s enough money to get your attention. And it’s enough money to make a significant difference in your annual budget. It could mean a new computer or a trip to the beach.

So what’s the significance of $1,641?

It’s the average amount each American spends on their pet every year, making pets a $61 billion-a-year industry.

Here is the problem with this figure — I know from lots of experience that this average is incredibly low.

In fact, I have personally spent twice this in a year on just one of my dogs (his name is Dr. B.) — almost $4,000 in 2014, to be exact.

And trust me, this wasn’t because he had weekly spa treatments and a closet full of designer doggiewear — every cent of this was spent on his health.

You see, my dog suffers from severe skin allergies.

And if you are one of the thousands who own a dog with allergies, then you know the agony of having to watch your pal scratch, lick, and chew himself senseless every day, while at the same time watching money fly out of your bank account.

But the worst part is seeing your best bud endure dozens of tests and expensive treatments with zero results.

And don’t forget the countless different types of specialty dog food and useless items you might order from the Internet (we’ll get to those in a bit).

The good news is — I found a way to spend only a small fraction on my pup’s allergy treatment, and he’s in better shape than he was at age 5 — which is saying a lot for an 11-year-old French bulldog.

In fact, it’s not just his skin that’s in better shape. He seems to be experiencing better digestion, mobility, and cognition — he’s as sharp as a tack and as agile as a ballet dancer (well, maybe more like a polka dancer).

These results are the combination of a grain-free diet and one very special superfood.

I will reveal this vet bill-busting food in just a bit. First, I want to share with you the things that don’t work.

Pay attention — it might save you some money…

--A Sock Harness… on a Dog?

Yes. A sock harness is a real thing. But let’s start from the beginning…

Dr. B’s allergies have been severe since he was about a year old. He went through several allergy tests, and at one point, I had to give him special allergy shots at home.

After a few years of experimenting with diet and medication (mostly steroids that made him grumpy), I was able to control his allergies pretty well.

Then we moved to Memphis… and his allergies went berserk!

This is what happened next:

This is not the face of a happy dog.

His constant irritation was so severe I would try anything to keep him from scratching his body and licking his feet — above was the result.

24/7 in a sock harness doesn’t make for a very a happy dog.

After three days of trying to keep this thing on Dr. B, I gave up.

Next, I spent a small fortune on anti-itch creams. Seven bottles and jars later, I still had no results. At this point, his irritation had escalated so far he had licked his paw pads until they cracked.

I began taking him to the vet regularly to get his feet bandaged. Thankfully, it was usually just one paw at a time, but it was still very costly (about $90 a visit) and heartbreaking to see him in such a sad state.

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But things just got worse. All of the itching, scratching, and steroid-induced mania kept him (and me) up all night.

Bottom line: None of these expensive treatments produced results!

Finally, after a suggestion from a friend and bit of research, I found a cheap and convenient solution. In fact, I already had some in my kitchen cabinet!

--Keep Those Dogs From Barking!

So what is this magic solution?

Coconut oil.

That’s right, the superfood that may already be in your kitchen can help relieve your pet’s allergies!

And according to integrative veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker, coconut oil can benefit pets in the same ways it benefits humans, which may include better digestion, cognitive function, and decreased inflammation.2,3

Coconut oil provides pets with a healthy dose of saturated fats called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are good fats that can aid in digestion, immune support, and metabolic functions and increase skin and coat integrity.

One reason why MCTs are so effective is due to the antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties of the acids they contain. These acids can help ward off yeast and other dangerous microbes like Staphylococcus aureus that can further complicate skin allergies and lead to infections.4,5

When used as a topical treatment, coconut oil is a hardworking moisturizer that creates a strong lipid layer to protect the skin.

After just three months of consistent oral and topical treatments in conjunction with his grain-free diet, Dr. B was allergy free and sleeping like a baby!

Look how healthy those paws are!

To get started, the first thing you need to choose an organic coconut oil (which may already be in your kitchen).

Once you’ve got that, just get to rubbing away!

I use it on my pup’s paws, nose, and any itchy or dry spots on his body. Once a week or so, I give him a quick full-body rubdown before his bath. This way, he gets a deep moisturizing treatment that also kills any bacteria or yeast that may be present.

But the best news — since coconut oil averages around 8 bucks for a 16 oz. jar — this solution costs you just pennies a day!

Plus, you can use it on your cats too!

If you are interested in giving you pets coconut oil orally consult a vet for dosage.

Live well,

Natalie Moore
Managing editor, Living Well Daily

P.S. Would you like to receive more health news about pets? Let me know: – and click here to like us on Facebook.


[1] Americans Will Spend More Than $60 Billion on Their Pets This Year

[2] Veterinarian Discusses Health Benefits of Coconut Oil for Pets

[3] Effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate on cognition in memory-impaired adults.

[4] Equivalence of lauric acid and glycerol monolaurate as inhibitors of signal transduction in Staphylococcus aureus.

[5] In vitro antimicrobial properties of coconut oil on Candida species in Ibadan, Nigeria.

[6] The Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Dogs

Natalie Moore

Written By Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore is a dedicated health researcher with a passion for finding healthy, natural, and science-based solutions. After a decade of direct healthcare experience in western and natural medicine, she was involved in public health research before joining Living Well Daily.

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