Keep Your Arteries Healthy With This Type of Fat

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

Have you ever walked up a flight of stairs and been out of breath?

Or sat down during a walk or doing a chore because you felt like you had to?

If you have, it could be from arterial stiffness.

This condition can sneak up on your heart health because it occurs without warning as you age.

As your arteries become stiffer, it has an effect on your blood pressure and circulation. Basically,  arterial stiffness can make your heart (and whole body) age quicker.

But what’s most concerning about arterial stiffness — you could be developing it right now and have no clue.

You might be thinking, How is this possible? How could this be happening and I don’t know it?

Here’s how: Arterial stiffness often doesn’t show signs or symptoms. In fact, you may never even know it’s happening unless your doctor orders a scan of your blood vessels.

Fortunately, recent science shows there is a natural fat that can combat arterial stiffness and can even promote it. Plus, this miracle nutrient also helps maintain healthy blood pressure and triglyceride levels!

--Potent Protection

So what is this heart-health powerhouse?

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are naturally found in oily fish and grass-fed beef.

And an innovative study in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases has recently shown that omega-3s are the ultimate heart protector.

The experiment, conducted by researchers from the University of Western Australia, randomly divided 20 volunteers into two groups — one that received a 4-gram omega-3 supplement daily for eight weeks and one that didn’t take the supplement for eight weeks.

After an eight-week washout period during which no participants received supplements, the groups switched.

And the results were AMAZING!

Folks who took the omega-3 supplements showed significant improvements in heart health markers.

In fact, supplement takers saw a 9 percent increase in arterial elasticity!

This means after taking omega-3s for just eight weeks, the participants put a halt to the stiffening of their arteries and increased their heart health by almost 10 percent!

But what’s even more incredible, the participants also saw a 6 percent improvement in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and improved triglyceride levels.

The research team explained this significance of these results further:

“Given clinical evidence that arterial elasticity is an independent predictor of [ heart health issues], our new data support the addition of [omega-3] supplementation to cholesterol-lowering therapy to improve arterial elasticity…”

These fantastic results are yet another reason why everyone should be upping their omega-3 intake. But eating oily fish and grass-fed beef may not be enough for you to reap all of the benefits of omega-3s.

In the study, the participants were given 4 grams of omega-3s per day. To get that amount from food, you’d have to eat 8 ounces of salmon every day!

And that’s why it’s important to supplement your diet with omega-3 fish oils.

But be warned: Not all omega-3 supplements were created equally. Some brands of fish oil contain toxins, heavy metals and even harsh chemicals.

Quality fish oils go through a purification process called molecular distillation. This removes heavy metals and other toxins to below detectable levels.

If you are looking for a high-quality fish oil supplement that’s gone through the molecular distillation process, then you’re in luck…

Living Well has one.

It’s called UltraOmega.

After months of research, we selected the best fish oil we could find. It comes from a member of an organization with higher purity standards than the FDA. It’s called the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s, or GOED. GOED sets strict standards for concentration and freshness and strict limits for any toxic heavy metals and other contaminants.

In fact, our fish oil is so top-notch it’s been awarded the rare 5-star certification from the International Fish Oil Standards program. This means you’re getting all the heart-protective benefits of omega-3s without any dangerous toxins.

Click here to discover more about how this amazing natural solution can support your heart health!

Live well,

Natalie Moore
Managing editor, Living Well Daily

[1] Hardening of the Arteries

[2] Effect of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on arterial elasticity in patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia on statin therapy

Natalie Moore

Written By Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore is a dedicated health researcher with a passion for finding healthy, natural, and science-based solutions. After a decade of direct healthcare experience in western and natural medicine, she was involved in public health research before joining Living Well Daily.

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