Don’t Quit Your Meds Cold Turkey! [Here’s Why...]

People are always asking me if they can stop taking their prescription medications.

That probably doesn’t surprise you. It certainly doesn’t surprise me.

I totally get it if you’re fed up with taking drugs.

But can you simply STOP taking them?

Let’s talk about it…

If you’re over 40, there’s a solid chance you’re popping at least one prescription pill daily.

Even worse, there’s a one-in-five shot you’re juggling five or more drugs…. especially if you’re in your 60s or beyond

In fact, the situation is so common there’s even a name for it: polypharmacy.

It’s no wonder so many folks I talk to are sick and tired of relying on meds and questioning if they really need to be taking them all.

After all, many drugs come with some pretty nasty side effects. They can leave you feeling like garbage and sometimes introduce NEW problems.

Managing these side effects can be challenging.

But here’s the thing you should keep in mind: As much as you might want to toss all those pills in the trash and switch to natural alternatives, you absolutely, positively need to talk to your doctor BEFORE making any changes to your medication regimen.

I cannot stress enough that abruptly stopping certain drugs—especially heavy-hitters like those for blood pressure (beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, or diuretics), anxiety or insomnia (benzodiazepines), or depression—can be incredibly risky and even life-threatening.

I know the side effects can be disturbing, but the consequences of quitting cold turkey could be WAY worse.

Now, I’m not implying natural treatments are worthless.

In fact, the OPPOSITE is true. Along with lifestyle changes, supplements are one of the BEST ways to bring your body back into alignment and good health.

I share your frustration with the over-medication epidemic in the United States. However, the only safe way to manage medication changes is to bring up your concerns with your doctor and discuss your goals.

They can examine your unique situation and help you figure out whether you can safely cut back on any of your current drugs or if there are any well-studied supplements worth considering.

Schedule a heart-to-heart with your doctor and let them know you want to explore more natural treatments whenever possible.

While I wouldn’t have said this even twenty years ago, the good news is that mainstream doctors have (mostly) gotten the message now. They understand that they need to work with their patients and not just dictate what they do.

If you feel your current doctor isn’t taking your concerns seriously or is unwilling to work with you, consider finding a new one who will.

However, you should ultimately trust your medical provider’s expertise and follow their recommend plan to keep yourself safe and healthy.

It’s not always the answer we want to hear, but it’s the only responsible approach to medication changes.

P.S. Want to know more? CLICK HERE for my uncensored opinion on drugs.

Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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