Break Free From Costly Health Insurance

  •  Advanced medical treatment in a resort-like setting for only $16?! Learn more…
  • Protect yourself from this out-of-network glitch before it costs you thousands.
  • Discover a way to get quality healthcare without network restrictions today!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

“In health, there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties.” — Henri-Frédéric Amiel

Easy for a 19th-century Swiss philosopher to say.

He never laid eyes on an explanation of benefits…

Or had to navigate a sea of in- and out-of-network providers just to get an annual checkup or a basic procedure.

Yet you can’t dismiss the truth in his words — health really is the first of all liberties.

So when I recently read an article in Laissez Faire Today revealing a bizarre fluke in government-mandated health insurance, I knew it was important to share it with you. Hang tight: We will shed some light on this costly quirk in just a second…

[Ed. note: If you aren’t already a faithful reader of Laissez Faire Today, you should sign up here . Chris Campbell delivers thought-provoking news and instant actionable advice for living life on your own terms daily.]

First, I want to introduce you to Jud Anglin, founder of America’s first medical tourism facilitator, MedRetreat.

Jud created MedRetreat after experiencing state-of-the-art, attentive, and what some might call “lavish” medical care in a Bangkok hospital. But beyond the advanced medical treatment and luxurious facilities, it was affordable. Like $16 affordable.

Since his affordable experience, Jud has helped facilitate medical care for Americans in other countries through MedRetreat. But Jud says this is just one option for Americans looking to find alternatives to the current American health insurance mess.

So we invited Jud here today to tell you the story of his friend David Moxley, whose recent trip to the cardiologist cost him more than he expected thanks to a troublesome kink in Obamacare.

Plus, Jud will share with you a health care solution that can help you avoid the frustration of Obamacare pitfalls and may even save you thousands without having to leave the country.

Take it away, Jud…

Claim Your Freedom From Insurance

By Jud Anglin

David Moxley has health insurance.

He’s the president of America’s Web Radio, based in Atlanta, which offers an eclectic mix of enlightening programming from politics and medicine to classic cars and gardening.

His free-market programming provides an affordable alternative to the high cost of the corporate-controlled broadcasting airwaves.

So last week, I had a conversation with my friend David and he was boiling MAD about the corruption in our health care system.

I was expecting another story about skyrocketing insurance expenses.

But David’s story caught me totally off guard.

Here’s why…

His family doc (yes, he still has one) referred him to an in-network cardiologist to check on his plaque build-up in his arteries.

The term “network” simply refers to the group of doctors and hospitals your insurance provides coverage for. If you happen use a doctor out of network, you have to pay all expenses out of your own pocket. This means your insurance pays nothing.

So at David’s appointment, they performed an EKG, along with a few other vitals.

Upon leaving, he asked if he needed to pay the co-pay. The receptionist politely replied that she would submit everything to his insurance.

But get this…

A few weeks later, he received a statement in the mail with a charge of $150 for the EKG.

Having health insurance, he recalled all prior EKGs being covered. He was certain this was a mistake that could be resolved with a call or two.

--Turns out it wasn’t a mistake.

The EKG his cardiologist used just happened to be leased from Emory St Joseph’s Hospital, which was not in network.

Now, the 150 bucks is not much in the grand scheme of this transaction. What really troubled David, though, was he was not informed about this equipment arrangement.

Not by the receptionist, not by the nurse, and certainly not by the doctor.

Why should he be trapped in this financial entanglement? Why should it be his responsibility to pay this bill?

Maybe it was stated somewhere in the unreadable fine print on the forms he signed.

But even so, who among us ever reads these doctor forms?

The bigger point here is that the mandated individual health insurance under Obamacare does not protect you from these costs.

Like what happened with David Moxley, who had health insurance, getting hit with an unexpected out-of-network charge he now has to pay. What if he were charged $10,000 or more for a machine that was out of network?

How do we know if we are in network or not?

Does your insurance company send you a list of all the doctors, nurses, rooms, tools, equipment, Band-Aids, or aspirin brands that are in your network?

And even if they did, they would have to send such a list on a daily basis, as these networks are constantly changing.

Unfortunately, as Obamacare careens forward, the cost of your health care is gobbling up all your financial necessities like your mortgage and car payments.

Consider your skyrocketing health insurance payments over the past two years.

Bad news! Last week, The New York Times reported that insurance “premiums are likely to be substantially more expensive” in 2017.

Insurance industry experts are expecting a double-digit hike in premiums for 2017 (that’s your monthly payment).

While the national mainstream media are busy distracting you with transgender bathroom rules and Trump’s slacking support among women, health care is becoming more expensive and chaotic.

--Your Solution Lies in Freedom

What if you could free yourself from the shackles of health insurance altogether and enroll in a community that shares their medical expenses, possibly saving you hundreds of dollars per month?

You can. It’s called Liberty HealthShare.

Their sharing program asks that you share as little as $157 for you or $395 for your entire family.

But equally important, their awesome benefits include…

  • Zero network restrictions. You can see any doctor you want. You don’t have to worry about getting caught up in a web of financial entanglements like David
  • You don’t need referrals to see a specialist
  • X-rays, lab work, home health care, maternity care, physical therapy, and limited chiropractic and acupuncture service are considered eligible expenses. (Subject to the Sharing Guidelines)
  • Eligible expenses are limited to fair and reasonable compensation, which is higher than Medicare. Most health care providers gladly welcome this program
  • This sharing program is 100% exempt from Obamacare… this means no penalties for not having health insurance.

Now some more good news here is you don’t have to wait until open enrollment in November to enroll. You can enroll anytime. Even today!

You can begin the simple enrollment process by clicking here.

Join Liberty!

For additional health care savings solutions, visit Patient Advocate Partners of America.


Jud Anglin
Founder, MedRetreat

Live well,

Natalie Moore
Managing editor, Living Well Daily

Natalie Moore

Written By Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore is a dedicated health researcher with a passion for finding healthy, natural, and science-based solutions. After a decade of direct healthcare experience in western and natural medicine, she was involved in public health research before joining Living Well Daily.

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