“Dynamic Defense” Could Speed Up COVID Recovery [STUDY]

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

The word on the street is that we’re all going to get COVID-19 at some point.

I don’t think that’s a good idea to adhere to… and it’s definitely not a reason to throw up your hands and give up trying to avoid the infection.

Many people who’ve already had the infection are complaining of “long” COVID, where they have symptoms like fatigue, problems breathing, and muscle pains that last well beyond the infection.

Avoiding infection is obviously always your best bet. But what do you do if you get COVID-19, even despite trying your best?

A new study shows that this “dynamic defense” may actually speed up COVID-19 recovery…

And you’ll be shocked when you hear how simple it could be.

In a recent study, researchers showed that taking a probiotic formula called AB21 led to a reduction of symptoms of COVID-19.

And it seems that this “dynamic defense” made all the difference.

To determine whether or not probiotics could help with COVID-19 recovery, researchers gave two groups of volunteers either AB21 or a placebo.

The probiotic formula used specific strains of bacteria called Lactiplantibacillus plantarum KABP022, KABP023, and KAPB033, plus Pediococcus acetolactic.

Taking the supplement led to a reduction in viral load that was measured in the nose and mouth, plus fewer lung infiltrates (a.k.a. “invaders”), AND fewer digestive and non-digestive symptoms, when compared to a placebo group.

The scientists also observed increases in specific beneficial immune proteins called IgM and IgG.

Unfortunately, AB21 is not yet available to the public.

But there are still plenty of things you can do to keep yourself as healthy as possible in the event of a COVID-19 infection.

Dr. Scott’s COVID Action Plan

  • Get healthy. The most apparent risk factor for getting COVID-19 and having a more severe outcome is the presence of chronic illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease. Do what you can to improve your health by exercising, eating right, getting enough sleep, and taking the right supplements.
  • Vitamin D. Studies have shown that people with higher vitamin D levels are less likely to get COVID-19 and have less severe symptoms if they do get it.
  • L-arginine: This amino acid is not only an antimicrobial, it’s essential for making lymphocytes (white blood cells that attack viruses and bacteria). When you have enough arginine, you produce nitric oxide, which protects against clotting, another common complication in COVID-19 infections. Nitric oxide also combines with other molecules to create nitrosoglutathione, which helps the lungs to open up (bronchodilation), allowing folks to breathe easier.
  • Seaweed. Scientists, looking for ways to stop viral infections like COVID-19, have investigated many forms of edible seaweed. The most common way to get seaweed is to eat sushi (it’s usually wrapped in seaweed), but there are many more types of seaweed that you can add to your diet.


P.S. As if a COVID-19 infection itself weren’t hard enough, did you know that it could also increase your chances of this disease? Find out more right here.



Adebayo, A., Varzideh, F., Wilson, S., Gambardella, J., Eacobacci, M., Jankauskas, S. S., Donkor, K., Kansakar, U., Trimarco, V., Mone, P., Lombardi, A., & Santulli, G. (2021). l-Arginine and COVID-19: An Update. Nutrients, 13(11), 3951. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13113951

Daniells, Steven. “Probiotic combination may positively affect outcomes in COVID-19 outpatients.” 1/12/2022. https://www.nutraingredients.com/Article/2022/01/12/Probiotic-combination-may-positively-affect-outcomes-in-COVID-19-outpatients

Kaya MO, Pamukçu E, Yakar B. The role of vitamin D deficiency on COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Epidemiol Health. 2021;43:e2021074. doi: 10.4178/epih.e2021074. Epub 2021 Sep 23. PMID: 34607398; PMCID: PMC8769802.




Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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