Early Heart Disease Warning Signs Most Folks Miss

When most folks think of “heart problems,” they picture someone clutching their chest in sudden, severe pain.

But the reality is that heart disease often announces its presence in far more subtle ways.

Recognizing these early warning signs could be the key to early intervention and life-saving treatments
There isn’t just one “first sign” of heart disease. Instead, there are several symptoms that, when present, could be your body’s way of waving a red flag.

These include…

  • Unusual Fatigue: If you’re feeling exhausted more often than usual, and it’s not due to increased activity or stress, it could signal that your heart is working overtime. When the heart can’t pump blood efficiently, the body diverts blood from less vital organs, leaving you drained.
  • Sleep Problems: Heart disease can cause sleep disturbances, including insomnia or sleep apnea. If you’ve recently developed trouble falling asleep or staying asleep or wake up feeling unrefreshed, discuss it with your doctor.
  • Shortness of Breath: If you find yourself getting winded more quickly than before, especially during activities that didn’t used to cause breathlessness, it could be a sign that your heart isn’t able to pump blood efficiently enough to meet your body’s oxygen demands.
  • Indigestion: While indigestion is common and relatively harmless, persistent or unusual indigestion could be a sign of heart disease. With heart disease, some folks experience a burning sensation in their chest or stomach, which can be mistaken for acid reflux or heartburn.
  • Chest Pain: Chest pain or discomfort is perhaps the most well-known sign of heart disease. It might feel like pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in your chest. You should always have chest pain checked out. However, it’s critical to note that not all chest pain is related to the heart, and not all heart problems cause it.

It’s vital to take note of the last three symptoms on the list.

Shortness of breath, indigestion, and chest pain that occur when you’re active and subside when you’re at rest can be a strong indicator of heart disease.

It’s easy to brush off most of these symptoms as just part of getting older or being out of shape. However, it’s crucial to consult your healthcare provider if you’re experiencing one or more of these signs, especially if they’re new or worsening.

By staying vigilant about these early signs and committing to heart-healthy habits, you’re taking critical steps to keep your heart strong and healthy for years to come.

P.S. Olive oil “trash” is a “treasure” for your health.

Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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