“Ebb and Flow” Technique TRANSFORMS Senior Brain Health

You know by now that exercise is good for you.

It keeps your heart healthy, your muscles strong, and your waistline trim.

But what if I told you that a trendy “ebb and flow” workout technique—often associated with young fitness enthusiasts—could actually be a game-changer for us “oldsters” when it comes to brain health?

And the best part? The benefits can last for years

Researchers from the University of Queensland have made a groundbreaking discovery about the power of high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises for older adults.

Their study, published in the journal Aging and Disease, reveals that just six months of HIIT workouts can lead to improved brain function that lasts for up to five years!

Now if you’ve heard of HIIT before you might be picturing brutal workouts where people look like they’re about to collapse?

It’s true that HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise. But it doesn’t have to be brutal. And, in fact, it can be far more manageable than you might imagine.

In this study, participants between 65 and 85 engaged in a HIIT program that involved four cycles of running on a treadmill at near-maximum exertion. They sprinted for a short burst, took a breather, and repeated the cycle four times. Sounds tough, but the results are worth it.

Here’s what’s truly exciting—this type of exercise actually “flicks a switch” in the brain, activating stem cells and increasing the production of neurons in the hippocampus.

That’s the part of our brain responsible for learning and memory. In other words, HIIT workouts are literally growing new brain cells!

The researchers used high-resolution MRI scans to look at the brains of participants who did the HIIT workouts. They found structural changes and new connections in the hippocampus, even five years AFTER the exercise program ended.

As we age, our risk of developing dementia increases. Nearly seven million Americans are affected by dementia, and that number is expected to rise dramatically in the coming decades.

This research offers hope that we might be able to change the trajectory of aging and keep our brain sharp for longer.

Now, I know HIIT workouts might sound intimidating, especially if you’re not used to intense exercise. But remember, this study was done with people between 65 and 85 years old. If they can do it, there’s a good chance you can too!

That being said, it’s crucial to start any new exercise program under the guidance of your doctor, especially if you have any existing health conditions. HIIT might not be for everyone, and that’s okay.

The most important takeaway is that exercise, in general, is incredibly beneficial for our brain health as we age.

Even if HIIT feels like too much of a challenge, don’t let that stop you from staying active. A brisk daily walk, a swim, or a gentle yoga class can all do wonders for your physical and mental health.

The key is to keep moving, challenge yourself a little, and make exercise a regular part of your routine.

P.S. Live LONGER with this exercise hack.


Bartlett, P., Blackmore, D., et al. “High-intensity interval exercise enhances cognitive performance and reduces Alzheimer’s disease pathology in APP/PS1 mice.” Aging and Disease, 2024.

Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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