Fight COPD and Lung Infections With This Common Oil

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

Hacking, coughing, wheezing and the feeling of trying to breathe through a wet paper bag.

If you’ve ever experienced lung inflammation or suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), then you know these symptoms all too well.

Not only is the respiratory distress hellacious, but so are the side effects of the anti-inflammatory prescriptions you’re given, including increasing your risk of catching a nasty infection.

But these misery-creating drugs may not be your only option for much longer…

Researchers from the University of Rochester have found a natural solution to treat lung inflammation. And it won’t increase your chances of coming down with a nasty respiratory infection.

--Fishy Medicine

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae, or NTHi, is a bacterium that can be troublesome for folks with inflammatory conditions such as COPD. These tiny yet vicious bacteria can cause serious lung infections.

Plus, the anti-inflammatory drugs often prescribed to treat lung inflammations will suppress your immune system, giving NTHi bacteria the opportunity to invade your body and make you feel even worse.

However, this new research provides promising information on a natural alternative to common immunosuppressive drugs. And it comes from an unsuspected source — fish oil.

Dr. Richard Phipps, professor of environmental medicine at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry (URSMD) Lung Biology and Disease Program, led the team of researchers as they tested the ability of omega-3 (found in fish oil) derivatives to fight lung inflammation and NTHi lung infections in mice.

Using an inhalable form of the omega-3 fatty acid, the researchers were able to prove this specialized solution reduced inflammation without suppressing the mice’s ability to clear the infection from their lungs.

In fact, the omega-3s could actually speed up the process of ridding the lungs of these nasty, infection-causing bacteria!

Omega-3s have been shown time and time again to help slow down inflammation after infection or injury. These results just add to their list of healthy accomplishments.

Dr. Phipps puts a finer point on this:

“We never really knew why diets high in omega fatty acids seemed good, but now we know it’s because they provide the precursors for molecules that help shut down excessive inflammation.”

Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish like salmon and sardines. Since this new type of inhalant needs further research before it’s released, adding omega 3s to your diet is a great way to help combat inflammation and infections.

If you don’t care for the taste of fish, you can always use a fish oil supplement.

Be sure to choose one that has been molecularly distilled so it’s free of contaminants. Unfortunately, there’s a high risk for any fish oil to become oxidized. It can turn rancid as the oil is sourced, during production and even while it’s sitting on store shelves.

When in doubt, look for a testing certificate from the manufacturer. If you don’t see one on the package, reach out to the company and ask for a copy before you purchase

Live well,

Natalie Moore
Managing editor, Living Well Daily


[1] Omega 3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Bacterial Lung Infections Associated with COPD

Natalie Moore

Written By Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore is a dedicated health researcher with a passion for finding healthy, natural, and science-based solutions. After a decade of direct healthcare experience in western and natural medicine, she was involved in public health research before joining Living Well Daily.

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