Is this “Ignored Nutrient” the Answer to Alzheimer’s?

Dear Reader, 

Alzheimer’s is one tough disease to fight no matter what way you look at it. 

Mainstream medicine certainly has nothing to offer you 

I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s worth repeating — the only REAL WAY to stop Alzheimer’s is to prevent it.  

And a new study has shown that a very unpopular drug – which is actually a nutrient — may just be the answer to Alzheimer’s.  

You may have heard of lithium as a treatment for bipolar disorder and depression.  

And truth be told, it’s hard to get folks to take lithium because it can make you feel awful.  

But what most people don’t realize about lithium is that it’s a mineral (like calciummagnesiumzinc and iodineAND it’s an essential mineral that your body and brain need 

You just don’t need the extremely large doses – like those given to people with depression. Doses for people with acute manic episodes go as high as 1,800 milligrams a day. That is absurd, to combat Alzheimer’s you need far less than that. 

A typical dose used for brain health something like 300 to 1000 micrograms (which is 0.3 to 1 milligram – that is 1,800 to 5,400 times LESS a day).  

These small doses of lithium have been shown to be beneficial for your brainspecifically for Alzheimer’s patients 

Scientists first became curious when they noticed that those taking lithium for bipolar disease had much lower rates of Alzheimer’s disease. In factwhen they looked into the data, only 5 percent of patients receiving lithium had Alzheimer’s compared to 33 percent in the non-lithium group 

Two other large studies confirm those results.  

A 2020 study from scientists at McGill University using a mouse model who published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, showed taking small doses of lithium could slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and even improve cognition in Alzheimer’s. 

Lithium works many different ways. Overall, it appears to work by protecting neurons from damage 

Lithium may help maintain the length of telomers (those protective caps on the end of chromosomes). It also increases the synthesis of vital brain protecting proteins — including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 

In a study with humans taking lithium, the researchers found it was associated with lower concentrations of Tau proteins (the proteins that clog up brain cells in people with Alzheimer’s).  

You can get lithium in small amounts in grains, vegetables, eggs, and milk, but the amounts are smallSo you should really consider supplementing.  

P.S. Lithium isn’t the only weapon at your disposal in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Click here to learn about a popular herb that can REVERSE Alzheimer’s! 



Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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