Murdered Doctors Don’t Lie, Part 3

Time to land this plane.

In Part 1 of my interview with my source, known only as Edward for now, we introduced the alarming situation where doctors are dying under very suspicious circumstances.

Then in Part 2, we covered the blowback to this idea and how the sources of supposedly unbiased information are actually bully pulpits.

Now in Part 3, we’re going to finish things off, and I saved my toughest inquiry for last.

Nate: OK, Edward, I just have one final question.

I have no problem accepting that massive pharmaceutical companies, along with government bureaucrats, take extreme measures to make billions of dollars. I’m sure our audience has no issue accepting that as well. But why would they resort to murder?

Before you answer, please let me clarify something: I don’t doubt that these companies and governments have some coldblooded sociopaths at the helm. And I’m sure plenty of these people are perfectly capable of murdering someone and sleeping like a baby that night. Or arranging a murder. But just because they could doesn’t necessarily mean they would.

Murder seems like a risky, ham-handed, haphazard way to maintain market dominance when bribery and propaganda seem to get the job done fine for Big Pharma. Could you provide some insight into why you believe they would do something like this?”

Edward: Gladly, Nate. I believe the pharmaceutical companies may have resorted to murder as a last-ditch effort to shut down the exponentially growing alternative cancer treatment industry. I believe they’re desperate and are literally on the cusp of their business model turning into a trillion-dollar industry or going absolutely bankrupt.

The major factor that is going to determine which direction their profit margins go is if they are able to maintain chemotherapy, and the accompanying toxic drugs, as the sole available cancer treatment in the country while things like medical marijuana and GcMAF are still too taboo for the general public to try.

As the cancer rates domestically continue to grow and toxic ingredients become mainlined into our food supply and water outlets carte blanche through corporate maleficence, corruption, and the looming TPP, more and more people are having to personally make a visit to their local oncologist or holistic practitioner for cancer treatment. If the holistic practitioners have been scared out of the area, the public’s sole option will be their oncologist, with his haphazard protocols to eradicate the cancer and most of the patient’s bodily functions along with it!

Another end of this is the fact that many rely on insurance to pay for this extremely risky procedure, and with the new numbers from Obamacare enrollments showing the system has failed to meet necessary enrollment metrics to function, the pharmaceutical companies have an added incentive to shut down all other options for treatment now, while their cushy relationship with the guaranteed and overpaying health insurance system remains active.

I think to sum up the main reason I believe the pharmaceutical companies have a financial incentive to kill holistic practitioners, it comes down to the shifting spheres of influence.

With the Internet becoming the predominant platform for everyone in the world to receive their information, old tactics of censorship through controlling television content are failing miserably. The pharmaceutical-industrial complex is quickly understanding that they have lost the information war online and are faced with a customer base that is far greater informed that the crowd in the 1990s.

Alternative practitioners now have popular websites and YouTube channels and are even making big-screen-quality documentaries, like my friend Ty Bollinger’s The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest nine-part series.

Big Pharma just isn’t cool or hip, even though they have made their attempts, such as the laughably ridiculous Mighty & Medicated campaign they paid a PR firm to run, in which actors are pictured holding up signs or pill bottles, saying they don’t care what the stigma is around medication, aren’t ashamed, and feel #MightyAndMedicated.

In the famous words of Cody Wilson, the inventor of the first 3-D-printable AR-15 lower receiver, which can fire more than 100 rounds: “I don’t think we’re utopians. I think the real utopia is the idea that we can go back to the 1990s and everything will be perfect forever. All we’re saying is no, you can’t… Now there’s the Internet.”

Great stuff, Ed. I appreciate your research into all this and your courage to present your findings.

And make sure to check out The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. After you do, email us at and tell us what you think. If there’s enough interest, we could do more interviews with Edward as well.

In the meantime, if the nice doctor writes you a prescription… remember there’s a multibillion-dollar, nefarious, corporate leviathan pulling the strings behind him.


Nate Rifkin
Underground Health Researcher

Nate Rifkin

Written By Nate Rifkin

Nate Rifkin is an obsessed health and mind-power researcher and author. To hear more from Nate, sign up to receive Living Well Daily for free, here.

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