PLAY Your Way to Better Brain Health!?

Are you convinced video games are just for kids?

Well, think again!

A remarkable new study suggests that playing the RIGHT kinds of games could help turn back the clock on your brain, improving cognitive performance, memory, and more.

The best part?

You probably already have everything you need to get started—right in your pocket…

Scientists uncovered something that might make you rethink your daily crossword puzzle routine.

In a new preprint study involving over 2,000 participants worldwide, researchers discovered that regular video game players performed cognitive tasks like people more than a DECADE younger than their actual age.

Let that sink in for a moment… we’re talking about turning back your brain’s clock by nearly 14 years!

Here’s what the research revealed:

  • People who played video games for 5+ hours weekly performed like they were 7 years younger on cognitive tests.
  • Even casual gamers (playing less than 5 hours weekly) showed brain function similar to people 2 years their junior.
  • The brain benefits appeared across multiple areas, including memory, attention, reasoning, and verbal

Now, before you worry about mastering complicated game controllers or diving into fast-paced shooting games, I have more good news…

Many brain-boosting benefits can come from simple games that can be played right on your phone, tablet, or desktop computer.

You want to look for puzzle games, word challenges, and strategy games. You know, the kind of games that make you think but don’t require lightning-fast reflexes or complicated controls.

The science behind these findings is fascinating.

When you play video games, you’re actually giving your brain a complete workout. Think of it like taking your mind to a mental gym. But instead of lifting weights, you’re solving puzzles, making quick decisions, and exercising your memory.

But what makes this discovery particularly exciting is that, unlike many other brain-training methods that can feel like work, video games are actually FUN. So, naturally, you’re more likely to stick with it.

To get the most brain-boosting benefits, try…

  • starting with a simple phone or computer game you enjoy
  • aiming for at least a few hours of game time spread throughout the week
  • mixing up different types of games to challenge various cognitive skills
  • taking frequent breaks to avoid eye strain

Remember, you don’t need to become a gaming expert overnight. Even a modest amount of gaming time could help keep your mind sharp and agile.

If you need help getting started, ask your kids or grandkids to suggest a game you might enjoy.

Who knew the path to a younger-performing brain could be as simple as “acting like a kid?”

P.S. Also, it turns out that playing video games doesn’t just boost your brainpower. It could also help keep you on your feet. CLICK HERE to discover how gaming can help prevent falls.


Wild, C. J., Paleczny, S. G., Xue, A., Highfield, R., & Owen, A. (2024, October 15). Characterizing the Cognitive and Mental Health Benefits of Exercise and Video Game Playing: The Brain and Body Study. doi. org/ 10.31234 /osf. Io /hdj9r

Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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