acid blockers

spilled pills on a table top.

These 2 Mainstream Drugs INCREASE Cancer Risk!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Time and again, Big Pharma has duped innocent customers. They have a stranglehold on mainstream medicine, because many folks feel like they don’t have a choice but to take these dangerous drugs. And if there’s one thing I try to get across to my readers, it’s that there are always...

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[BREAKING] Breast Cancer Treatment CAUSING Memory Loss!?

When you’re diagnosed with breast cancer, it’s hard to not to turn to mainstream treatments like chemotherapy. But one of the many downsides of chemotherapy is the side effects. And even though the mainstream will swear they just happen during the treatment… that’s NOT true. Because a new study shows they continue LONG after. In...

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The Over-The-Counter Remedy That DOESN’T Spell Relief!

I don’t just understand mainstream docs… or the treatments they recommend. This is especially true when it comes to one stomach medication in particular. In fact, this “go-to” is at the TOP of my “worst drugs to take” list. And it seems—finally—I’m not alone. Because a new study shows the true damage this medication can...

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