
“Down and Dirty” Trick Supercharges Your Microbiome

There was a time when we thought staying squeaky clean would help keep us healthy. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness,” we’d insist. However, the opposite is likely true. In fact, research finds getting your hands dirty is GOOD for you. But it’s got to be done the right way… Scientists say gardening shouldn’t be restricted...

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Dig Up This Sleep Solution in Your Own Backyard

Getting a good night’s sleep as you age can sure be a challenge! Desperation for getting some decent shuteye can have you trying every potion, device, and technique on the planet. But what if the solution is the earth itself? Let me explain… A new study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that...

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MAILBAG: HEALTHIEST Vegetable Garden Choices?

“I really love gardening and have decided I want to try my hand at a vegetable garden. My husband and I need to eat healthier as it is. Do you have a vegetable garden? What would you recommend growing for the most health benefits?” – Patricia from Lancaster, PA Hi Patricia, Yes, I grow a...

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