
Stamped envelopes.

Mailbag! 10 Tips to Conquer Spinal Arthritis

I have arthritis in my spine. What would you suggest to help manage it? –George from Cedar Rapids, IA George, Believe it or not, many people learn that they have spinal arthritis as they age. It’s very common. There’s a lot you can do to help keep it from advancing or even reverse some of...

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Well-Known Supplement Is “Exercise in a Bottle!”

Dear Reader,  Happy New Year! I hope it’s already off to a great start.   Mine is already underway – and full of new research to share with you.  And every once in a while, one of these studies makes me smile.    Like today — imagine my surprise when I discovered a well-known supplement (that is great for tired and sore joints) also happens...

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Harvard Discovery STOPS Cancer

Want a cheap solution for cancer? You’re in luck. New research from Harvard shows there’s a nutrient duo that can help you fight it.

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