
The REAL Reason You Can’t Lose Weight

Happy New Year! If you’re like countless other folks, you’re kicking off today with the “new year, new me” promise to FINALLY lose those extra pounds. And that’s fantastic. I won’t discourage you from losing weight. It’s a great goal. But I also want you to not beat yourself up about not for not succeeding...

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The Gut Secret You HAVEN'T Heard About (Easy!)

Once we do something often enough, it’s easy for it to become old habit. This can be especially true when it comes to the pills we take. You get up, have your coffee, eat breakfast, and take your morning vitamins. You get ready for bed, brush your teeth, and take your nighttime supplements. But if...

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Pleasant Pick-Me-Up Supports Gut Balance

Your gut bacteria are like a little community of tiny workers. Each bug has its own job to do. And there are a LOT of the tiny little critters. In fact, scientists estimate you have about 100 trillion of these microorganisms in your digestive tract. Collectively, they’re referred to as your microbiome. The problem is...

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Tasty Hack SUPERCHARGES Gut Health

One day, we’ll look back at our discovery of the nervous system in our guts in much the same way as other giant leaps in medicine like germ theory, vaccinations, and antibiotics. Knowing it exists and how important it is has changed EVERYTHING. We now understand that the enteric nervous system, or our “second brain”...

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Don't Start Your Dishwasher Until You Read THIS

For YEARS, modern medicine essentially ignored the gastrointestinal tract. Sure, it’s where you digest and absorb your food. But that was the end of the story. They were clueless about how intertwined our digestive system is with our OVERALL well-being. We now understand our gut is so closely linked to our health that it’s impossible...

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Miracle Fruit UNLOCKS Perfect Gut Health

In a very real way, the health of your gut IS your overall health. Researchers have linked your gut health not just to weight loss, but your mood, your immune system, and even your memory as well. And the biggest thing affecting your gut health is how you take care of your microbiome, the system...

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“Bathroom Habit” SCRUBS Away IBD?! 

Dear Reader,  About three million people in United States have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).   This painful chronic stomach condition is generally caused by an imbalance in the gut microbiome (that collection of microorganisms which help maintain our digestive health and overall health).   If you suffer from IBD, you already know miserable it can make daily life. And I’m sure you know the common suggestions for a healthy microbiome:...

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“Secret Food Toxin” DESTROYS Your Gut

Dear Reader,  “All disease begins in the gut.”  The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates said, nearly 2,500 years ago.  So, it goes without saying that, if you want to stay healthy, you need to keep your gut happy.   And, as a reader of Living Well Daily, you’re probably someone who already tries your hardest to take care of your health.  But there’s a “secret food toxin” that could be hiding on your...

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Depression SOLUTION Hiding in Your Gut?!

Dear Reader,  If you’ve suffered with depression (or have watched someone you love fight it), you know how miserable it can make your life.     At times, feeling sad can make things like seeing your family… going to the grocery store… and even getting out of bed seem impossible. Your motivation for just about anything has been zapped out of you.   And one of...

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Secret Immune Booster Lives in Your GUT?!

Dear Reader,  Your immune system’s health is probably at the forefront of your mind lately.   And with good reason!  Not only do we have a new coronavirus running around, but that are still millions of other infections which can lay you low (don’t forget, the flu still kills 30 to 60,000 people every year in...

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