
“Emotional” Trigger Sends Stroke Risk Soaring 56%

Back in the day, we didn’t “talk about our feelings.” Instead, we were supposed to quietly suffer and pretend everything was fine. Thankfully, that has started to change. We now understand you can’t separate physical and mental health. They’re one and the same. In fact, mental health—loneliness in particular—has been making headlines the last few...

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Hot Nights Linked to THIS Deadly Risk

We’re experiencing a record-breaking heatwave. Temperatures are soaring dangerously high in some regions of the country and simmering uncomfortably in others. It’s not just here in the USA, either. Other parts of the world are also battling boiling temperatures. Most people know that they need to take precautions during the day when temperatures rise this...

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Common Diet Mistake Sends Dementia Risk Soaring

Folks, it’s time to get real about the garbage we’re putting into our bodies. For far too long, we’ve turned a blind eye to the deplorable state of our food system, but now, the truth is finally coming to light. There has been a virtual explosion of news about the dangers of ultra-processed foods in...

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Microplastic Mayhem Threatens Your Heart [ALERT]

As a regular Living Well Daily reader, you likely already know quite a bit about microplastics. After all, I’ve often written about the dangers they pose to our health. More research is needed to determine the precise damage ingesting microplastics causes, but we’ve already learned a thing or two. For example, studies have linked them...

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The Surprising Key to SURVIVING a Stroke

Imagine you’re going about your day when, suddenly, your world turns upside down. Your vision blurs, your speech slurs, and you feel a weakness in your arm. You’re having a stroke. It’s a terrifying experience that far too many of us have faced. And if you’re lucky enough to survive, the fear of another stroke...

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Slash Stroke Risk Over 15% with ONE Nutrient

Every 40 seconds, a stroke strikes someone in the United States. When it happens, lives change instantly. The ability to move, speak, and think can disappear in moments. But what if simple nutrition… a minor dietary tweak… could slash your stroke risk? Exciting new research reveals that could be the case. So, let’s take a...

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Ancient Practice TAMES Blood Pressure

Like an invisible thief in the night, high blood pressure sneaks up on you, stealing your health one day at a time. Left unchecked, this “silent killer” sets the stage for a catastrophe—sending your risk for heart attack, stroke, dementia, kidney failure, and blindness soaring. This preventable condition claims over half a million lives every...

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New Study Drives ANOTHER Nail into Statin’s Coffin

Statins are the MOST commonly prescribed drug in the United States. They’re taken by MILLIONS to lower cholesterol and prevent heart attack and stroke. But a new study published in the British Medical Journal links these drugs to elevated blood sugars and a raised diabetes risk again. That’s right… AGAIN! Because the Food and Drug...

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“Magical Mineral” Trick SLASHES Heart Risk

Most folks are familiar with atherosclerosis. It’s a condition that leads to the blood vessels around the heart to become gunked up with plaques. If those vessels become too clogged, it can cause a heart attack. However, many people have NOT heard of another common blood vessel disease called peripheral arterial disease or PAD. It,...

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"Slow Motion" Aging Secret REVEALED

There’s a tribe in a remote part of Bolivia that technically shouldn’t exist. They’re living with chronically high inflammation levels, including C-reactive protein numbers (a measure of inflammation), that are practically off the charts. By U.S. medical standards, they should all be dropping dead of heart attacks. Instead, modern disease is virtually unknown to these...

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