
Unexpected Danger LURKS in Your Drinking Glass

I’ve said it so often I’m in danger of sounding like a broken record. (For those folks old enough to remember them.) But this habit is such a threat to your health it’s STILL worth the risk. One of the WORST things you can swallow is sweetened beverages—made with natural and fake sugars. They’ve already...

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Common Habit Is HARMING Your Kidneys

When was the last time you gave your kidneys some thought? The heart, brain, and digestive systems receive constant attention, but we tend to overlook our hardworking kidneys. No one ever thinks of them because they tirelessly (and quietly) do their job… that is until they’re damaged. And it turns out there’s one common habit...

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Colon Cancer “Cover-Up” Puts YOU at Risk

Colon cancer is a serious disease with a disturbingly high death rate. It kills nearly 1,000 Americans weekly. And now we’re faced with a NEW troubling trend. The disease is striking some folks earlier than ever before. That means we’re ALL at risk for colon cancer REGARDLESS of age. But what mainstream medicine… and the...

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Common Treats DESTROY Your Brain

Sugar consumption in America has reached an all-time high. Now, you don’t need ME to tell you what regularly indulging in sugary treats can do to your waistline. But you likely DON’T know the devastating impact they can have on your BRAIN. So back away from the cookie and step away from that candy bar...

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PET Scans Reveal SHOCKING Food Revelation

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope your day is filled with food, family, and fun. The LAST thing I want to do is put a damper on today’s festivities. But on a food-focused holiday like today, I can’t help but think about our relationship with food these days. We know more about HOW to eat to stay...

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Say "No Thanks" to THESE 4 Thanksgiving Foods

Feel that? Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and EXCITEMENT is in the air. Turkey Day is the official start of the holiday season. And you know what that means. We’ll be gobbling down all our favorite foods until New Year’s… and THEN we’ll resolve to start eating better again. Because, let’s face it,...

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This Drink Could DESTROY Your Liver [ALERT]

People often ask me what’s the WORST thing for their health. Cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs often pop to mind. But everyone KNOWS those things are bad. But there’s in fact, a popular “harmless” daily habit that has HUGE health consequences. And it can be every bit as bad as a cigarette or booze habit....

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Popular Weight Loss Tool INCREASES Body Fat!?

I’ve studied diet and nutrition for nearly my whole adult life. One red flag has grown bigger with every passing year. And that’s how much extra weight Americans are carrying around. A few extra pounds are no problem. But many of us are packing FAR more than a few. We used to think of fat...

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MAILBAG! The Truth About Stevia

“Is stevia as bad as other sweeteners? I’m diabetic and use it to watch my sugars.“ — Diane from Woodstock, Illinois Hi Diane, The short answer to your question is NO. Stevia is NOT as bad as the alternative artificial sweeteners. Regular Living Daily readers already know how I feel about ARTIFICIAL sweeteners. (Hint: I HATE...

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KICK Sugar Cravings and SLASH Disease Risk

People always ask me, “What’s the ONE thing I can do to improve my health?” I can make a good argument for exercising, getting better sleep, and even eating an (organic) apple a day. But by far, the BEST thing you can do to improve your health is to cut sugar out of your life....

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