The GMO Truth They Don't Want You to Know
A story goes that one day in Florida, a crowd gathered around the local greyhound racetrack to place their bets and enjoy the day.
If you’ve never seen a greyhound race, here’s how it works:
Instead of being ridden by jockeys, greyhounds chase a “rabbit” around the track. Really, it’s an electronic gizmo made to look like a rabbit, and its speed is controlled by someone out of sight in a box. His job is to keep the rabbit zooming along, just out of reach of the greyhounds.
According to the story, this race ended rather differently.
The beginning was the same: All the greyhounds were placed in their respective lanes and readied to start the race.
The rabbit fired off. The gates opened. And the dogs began their chase.
After a couple laps, something went wrong. The electronic rabbit gizmo caught ablaze. All the fur burned off, and it lurched to a halt. All of a sudden, the greyhounds had nothing to chase.
So what did they do?
Some simply sat down and began licking themselves. Others fought with each other. And some began to bark at the crowd.
Without the fake rabbit to chase (controlled so that it could never be caught), the greyhounds had no idea what to do.
There’s a reason I tell this tale, and it has to do with GMOs.
All this arguing for and against H.R. 1599… all this campaigning… and all this hand-wringing and arguing and lobbying and debating and discussing… is really just us chasing a rabbit.
Here’s my question:
Why do we need the federal government to make any decision on GMOs or GMO labeling… or to do much at all?
Consider that for a moment.
While you do, I want to show you a company I met while at the health expo on Anaheim, California, a few months ago.
It’s called HowGood. Their website is https://howgood.com.
They source data on products. And I’m not talking about the number of calories or fat grams.
I mean stuff like the parent company’s pesticide practices, emissions, animal welfare, antibiotic use, preservatives… and much more.
You can look up information using their app or… if you’re lucky… you might find their tags right on the store shelf next to the price.
So let’s go back to the racetrack story. The government and Big Business want us to keep chasing the rabbit, and race to codify laws that won’t really help, and give a leg up to the corporations who hop in bed with politicians the most prolifically.
And the whole time, the best solution is in the private sector. A company like HowGood can identify the brands that are non-GMO (along with a bunch of other good stuff) and spotlight them. As a result, sales go up. Companies that do good will grow.
That’s the sort of transparency politicians yap about but never follow through on.
Trouble is, it might be a while before something like HowGood comes to your preferred supermarket. However, there is hope. We’re feverishly putting together our shopping guide, which you can use to identify the truly healthy products… and avoid the ones deceiving you with their labels.
In fact, we’d like your help. We want to know what your No. 1 dilemma is when you’re in the grocery story, trying to pick out the healthiest food.
Is it trying to figure out which eggs come from truly healthy hens?
Is it picking out the best cut of meat from grass-fed cows?
Knowing which fruits and veggies are safe to eat and which have been drenched in pesticides?
What do you wonder about the most when you’re facing a wall of products all screaming for you to buy them?
Click here for our single-question survey. Please take 15 seconds to send your response, because we’re going to address the top concern we receive. It could be yours.
Nate Rifkin
Underground Health Researcher
Question: When is the only time you see a fishing pole with a worm at both ends?
Answer: When a lawyer is fishing
Question: Why does it take three lawyers to change a light bulb?
Answer: One to change the light bulb and two to sue for malpractice
Question: What is black and red and looks good on a lawyer?
Answer: A Doberman.
… As you could probably tell, some lawyer jokes hit our inbox. I had to share.

Written By Nate Rifkin
Nate Rifkin is an obsessed health and mind-power researcher and author. To hear more from Nate, sign up to receive Living Well Daily for free, here.
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