The Truth About Milk and Your Bones
Dear Reader,
Here it is: yet another headline and study saying what we’ve been told for YEARS — milk is good for bones.
The study, from the University of Melbourne in Australia, found what many studies find: drinking milk essential for good bones.
No doubt you’ve seen the same message in magazine ads and on billboards for years. In fact, — if you’ve heard it as many times as I’ve had – it’s probably starting to sound like a broken record.
Milk! Great for your bones!
…But there’s a catch.
If you were to ask a 10-year-old why they should drink milk they will tell you it’s because it has calcium and it’s good for your bones.
The reason why a 10-year-old can tell you that is because the Dairy Council (the lobbying arm for dairy producers) provides free educational tools for preschool, kindergartens, and beyond.
The Diary Council backs up those educational tools with advertising on billboards, TV, magazines, and the internet…
So it’s no wonder we are convinced that calcium build bones.
And it probably comes as no surprise to hear that the Australian study, presented at the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2020 annual meeting, found exactly that.
Here is what the researchers found if you eat/drink two servings of dairy a day:
- A 11 percent reduction in falls (62% vs 57%),
- A 33 percent reduction in fractures (5.2% vs 3.7%),
- A 46 percent reduction in hip fractures (2.4% vs 1.3%)
Sounds reasonable… but here is a big question:
How does eating dairy foods reduce falls?
Does calcium make older people more stable?
I could let that question go, but then I turn to the last page of the study and find that it was funded by Melbourne University and various dietary councils.
Which “various dairy dietary counsels,” we’ll never know… but we can always guess.
And if you’ve been following me for a while you probably know that your bones are NOT just calcium — but a whole mix of nutrients and protein.
(In fact there’s one bone-boosting nutrient that’s ESSENTIAL for healthy bones – nope, it’s not calcium. Find out what it is here, and how it can even help reduce fractures.)
Before I tell you how to REALLY build your bones and keep them safe, let me tell you a bit about dairy foods…
Dairy is a great food for you and your body (and YES, it does contain calcium).
BUT for anyone who grew up on a farm, you’ll know that milk straight from a cow is very, very different from milk at your grocery store.
Unprocessed fresh milk is a whole food I encourage you to consume. And while you probably can’t find unprocessed dairy at your grocery store you can sometimes find cheeses that come from this kind of milk you should add to your diet.
And in the meantime, here’s what you can do to make your bones healthy:
Dr. Scott’s Healthy Bone Plan:
- Protein is the forgotten nutrient needed for good bone health. Most proteins will help with bone growth, but collagen is extremely important to build good bones. I take a powered collagen product because collagen is hard to get in our diets.
- Vitamin C is also important, it works with protein to create a collagen matrix that holds all the bone minerals.
- Vitamin D is one of the more important nutrients you can take to help build good strong bones.
- Vitamin K is another necessary and forgotten nutrient essential for bone building. Remember, if you are on blood thinners, to check with your doctor when taking vitamin K.
- Many minerals are also important for your bone health, including magnesium, boron, and chromium.
- Exercise not only helps your muscles to grow, but your bones. To build strong bones you have to move your body around (walking and running are your best bets).
P.S. There’s one essential nutrient for your bones that will help REDUCE fractures. Click here to learn all about it.

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND
Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.
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