Three Ways to Revolt Against Death

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

“The most important object in the universe,” Dr. Brant Cortright once said of the human brain.

And he’s right.

Your brain is the most important part of your universe, for without it, your universe would not exist. With each tiny brain cell that dies, a bit of your memory and self-reliance dies right along with it.

Some folks choose to chalk this all up to the perils of aging — thinking it’s useless to fight the decline of your precious brain or even the inevitable death that follows.

But as it turns out, there are some researchers discovering ways to fight age-related brain issues at every turn.

Recently, Laissez Faire’s underground health researcher, Nate Rifkin, was able to make contact with a few of these forward-thinking scientists, including Dr. Cortright, during the Revolution Against Aging and Death festival.

And that’s why we have invited him to Living Well Daily today.

Nate is going share with you some of the amazing things he discovered during the festival. Plus, he will reveal three specific tips to help you grow new brain cells and ward off the negative effects of aging.

Take it away, Nate…

To Truly Live Well, You Must Revolt Against Death


So began the speech by Dr. José Cordeiro, one of many speakers at the Revolution Against Aging and Death festival.

For the next three days, he’d shout the same thing every time he entered the stage… and whenever he felt like waking up the audience as he sat in the crowd.

“I’m from Latin America… where we LOVE our revolutions!” he joked.

At first, I didn’t give much thought to the title of the event. But now I realize it carries an important message. Some might think it’s a tad overdramatic to talk about rising up against death like one would a tyrant.

I disagree.

Some believe we should “age gracefully” or think of health in terms of “healthy aging.”

I disagree.

For two reasons. The first is money. As revealed in this interview about curing cancer, budget is often the limiting factor in the most groundbreaking research. Which is a tragedy considering where the money usually goes. As a Washington Post article points out, Johnson & Johnson alone spent over $8.2 billion on research and development for pharmaceutical drugs.

And yet, as this recent Living Well Daily episode showed, research to cure aging itself could wipe out any need for these drugs. Imagine if a groundbreaking group like this had billions at their disposal.

As long as we consider aging and death inevitabilities… or even something we should welcome (a psychological malady Dr. Aubrey de Grey calls a “pro-aging trance”)… then there will never be a big market for curing death. First you get the market, and then you get the money. Then you have a chance of getting the cure.

For any of this to happen, we must take the fight against aging a little more seriously… like a revolution.

Here’s the second reason why we need to reject the “healthy aging” derangement:

I’d call it the placebo effect… but that loaded, narrow term cannot fully encompass what I mean. Really, it’s the staggering power your mind has over your body. The “placebo effect” is just one manifestation of that.

You can believe a mere sugar pill can alleviate pain, causing a hormonal reaction in your body to boost feel-good hormones. This has been proven so thoroughly that it’s the basis for needing placebo-controlled trials in experimentation.

You can also think yourself to a different physiological “age.” Research shows negative thoughts, including those about the past, can raise cortisol levels. And chronically high cortisol levels can slow the production of new brain cells.

A University of California study outlined a more complete picture.

Chronic stress can lead to…


Co-elevation of cortisol and insulin…

Suppression of certain anabolic hormones…

This leads to belly fat, which (combined with the above) leads to…

Systemic inflammation…

Oxidative stress…

… which can kill your cells.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but your thoughts can kill you.

I don’t think it’s any stretch to say your thoughts can potentially SAVE you as well.

A Harvard experiment showed volunteers could suddenly lose weight without any change in diet or their exercise, simply by being told their regular work was part of a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, this is all based on the mind’s power over the body. While science can’t find mind, it certainly knows where your brain is. One speaker at Revolution Against Aging and Death, Dr. Brant Cortright, gave a riveting talk on keeping it healthy.

He began by calling the brain “the most important object in the universe.”

Yet we know so little about it. And what little knowledge we have is often myth.

For instance, have you heard your brain cells reach a peak at an early age and begin to fall from there?

This occurs only if you neglect your brain. If you cultivate its health instead, your brain is capable of something called neurogenesis — the growth of new brain cells.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Take a green tea extract
  1. Avoid oxidized oils when it comes to the fat you eat.Simple ways to do this are avoiding fast food and not letting oils smoke when you put them in a pan for cooking.Just as importantly, however, is to avoid processed seed oils. Replace those oils with healthy natural fats like saturated fat… which leads us to point No. 3…
  1. Take a fish oil supplement, ideally one with high levels of DHA.Dr. Cortright emphasized that your fish oil must be molecularly distilled so it’s free of contaminants.Unfortunately, there’s a high risk for any fish oil to become oxidized. It can turn rancid as the oil is sourced… when it’s put into softgels… and even while it’s sitting on store shelves.And yet when have you seen a fish oil company provide PROOF their oil is free of oxidation? I never did… until we came out with our own and did the testing. Click here to see the results.


Nate Rifkin
Underground Health Researcher

If you have any brain-boosting tips you would like to share, please do!

Live well,

Natalie Moore
Managing editor, Living Well Daily


[1] Big pharmaceutical companies are spending far more on marketing than research

[2] Mind your thoughts: Associations between self-generated thoughts and stress-induced and baseline levels of cortisol and alpha-amylase

[3] Stress and glucocorticoids promote oligodendrogenesis in the adult hippocampus

[4] Psychological and metabolic stress: a recipe for accelerated cellular aging?

[5] Mind-set Matters: Exercise and the Placebo Effect

[6] Alzheimer’s Disease Health Center

Natalie Moore

Written By Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore is a dedicated health researcher with a passion for finding healthy, natural, and science-based solutions. After a decade of direct healthcare experience in western and natural medicine, she was involved in public health research before joining Living Well Daily.

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