Better Memory with this "Nose" Trick (226% BOOST!?)

You have five primary senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.

(The sixth one doesn’t count. Only your Aunt Mable claims that one.)

But you’ve likely noticed that only your sight and hearing get tested when you visit the doctor.

Your senses of taste, touch, and smell are almost entirely ignored.

And ignoring one of them in particular could spell bad news for your BRAIN.

Smell isn’t only a powerful sense tied to your emotions and appetite. It can ALSO provide a window into your state of health.

In fact, as I’ve explained before, LOSING it could be a predictor of dementia and other conditions.

Yet, few doctors bother to use smell as a diagnostic tool. And nearly NONE tap into this sense to TREAT any conditions. But that may soon change.

Scents are a POWERFUL memory trigger. Remember the smell of your grandmother’s house at Christmastime? Or, can you recall the scent of autumn leaves or freshly baked cookies?

Our sense of smell’s attachment to our brain is undeniable.

And now researchers say we can tap into that link to BOOST our memory.

In a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience, researchers showed that having a fragrance waft into the bedrooms of older adults improved their memory skills.

In fact, they saw an ASTOUNDING 226 percent increase in cognitive capacity compared to a control group that received no treatment.

Medical imaging scans also revealed that the folks whose sense of smell was stimulated while they slept had measurable improvements in a brain pathway used for decision-making called the left uncinate fasciculus).

Plus, participants slept better.

Unfortunately, the study was bankrolled by a huge corporation that produces household products. So, you can guess what comes next…

The company has NOT released the details on the precise blend of scents used in the experiment. Instead, they plan to market a proprietary product using the top performers.

But we DO know that the smell of rose, orange, eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, rosemary, and lavender were all reported to have performed well.

If you want to experiment at home with the power of scent, there are essential oils to match each of those aromas. Pick your favorites and use a diffuser in your bedroom to stimulate your sense of smell and boost your memory as you sleep.

P.S. “Age insurance policy” fights back against memory loss (60% Improvement!?)


“Overnight olfactory enrichment using an odorant diffuser improves memory and modifies the uncinate fasciculus in older adults,” Front. Neurosci., 24 July 2023, Sec. Translational Neuroscience, Volume 17 – 2023, doi. org/10.3389/fnins.2023.1200448

Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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