Say "No Thanks" to THESE 4 Thanksgiving Foods

Feel that?

Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and EXCITEMENT is in the air.

Turkey Day is the official start of the holiday season. And you know what that means.

We’ll be gobbling down all our favorite foods until New Year’s… and THEN we’ll resolve to start eating better again.

Because, let’s face it, indulging a bit around the holidays WILL happen. After all, what’s Thanksgiving without a slice of pie? Or a Christmas party without a cookie or two?

But the truth is not all splurges are created equal.

In fact, a few foods are likely to appear on the Thanksgiving table this Thursday that you should probably pass on…

I call them “No Thanks Thanksgiving Foods.” And they shouldn’t pass your lips this Thursday or any other day of the year.

  1. Canned Cranberry Sauce

Pass: Skip the canned cranberry jelly. This Thanksgiving staple is full of a ton of inflammation-triggering sugar. And more often than not, it’s the high-fructose-corn-syrup (HFCS) variety.

Refined sugars are bad news, to begin with, but HFCS may be the worst of the lot. Research shows it’s linked to greater weight gain than table sugar and leads to abnormal increases in body fat! And let’s not forget the hormone-disrupting BPA from the can.

In other words, the health-harming ingredients overshadow the benefits you could gain from eating antioxidant-rich cranberries.

Pick: Reach for homemade cranberry sauce instead. Better yet, make your own so that you know precisely what’s in it.

To make your own cranberry relish, combine fresh cranberries, a dash of pineapple juice, and some unsweetened applesauce in a food processor or blender. For extra zip, cut an unpeeled orange into quarters, deseed it, and drop it into the food processor.

You’ll get the sweet and tart flavor combo you crave WITHOUT all the unhealthy refined sugars.

  1. Sweet Potato Casserole

Pass: Say no thanks to the sweet potato casserole. All the brown sugar, marshmallows, and caramelized nuts mean this traditional dish is swimming in sugar. Let’s face it. Sweet potato casserole isn’t a side dish… it’s a dessert! And an extremely unhealthy one.

Pick: Try mashed or roasted sweet potatoes instead. You’ll still get the satisfying sweetness of the potatoes but without all the unhealthy added sugar. You can mash your potatoes alone or add a dollop of butter or a splash of cream to smooth them out. Keep the skins on and add some chopped pecans for a heartier and healthier version.

  1. Green Bean Casserole

Pass: Opt out of the traditional green bean casserole. This dish turns healthy green beans into a chemical quagmire. The label on the can of soup used in the conventional recipe reads more like a chemistry lab than food. And don’t get me started on the palm oil and high fructose corn syrup in the fried “onion topping.”

Pick: Dump all the junk and serve up plain green beans instead. If the beans are too ordinary for your Thanksgiving table, toss in some toasted slivered almonds.

Still not thrilled with the swap? Try a new holiday side dish… Brussels sprouts with toasted pecans. Brussels are high in fiber, fight inflammation, and are loaded with good-for-you nutrients. Add lightly roasted pecans for crunch and a healthy dose of omega-3s.

  1. Pecan Pie

Pass: Pass on the pecan pie. This Thanksgiving favorite is one of the WORST dessert choices you can make. Any health benefit you may get from pecans is erased by the sky-high amounts of sugar, corn syrup, and refined flour. In fact, pecan pie can have more than 500 calories per slice, most of which comes from refined sugars.

Pick: Say “yes, please” to the pumpkin pie instead. Sure, it’s still a sweet dessert, but it comes with far less sugar than you’ll find in pecan pie. Plus, the pumpkin and spices used in the traditional recipe deliver some healthy nutrients to the table.

Better yet, make your own healthier low-carb, sugar-free version. Search “keto pumpkin pie” online for some recipes.

Pass on these “No Thanks Thanksgiving Foods” for a healthier Thanksgiving holiday this year.

P.S. 5 FANTASTIC reasons to load up on these holiday berries.

Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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