Holiday Berry to LOAD UP On (5 Reasons)
As you belly-up to the table this holiday season, you may be tempted to over-do it a bit. Want my advice? Go ahead! Now I’m not saying go on a week-long binge, but this has been a long year, and we all need to cut loose every once in a while. One or two days...
“Fish Trick” DECREASES Colon Cancer Risk
Looking around the world, it’s clear that other countries approach health differently. Whether it’s respecting natural remedies, or keeping Big Pharma out of their business, there’s a lot our mainstream medical doctors could learn. And now Japan, in particular, has drawn attention for its low number of colon cancer diagnoses. In fact, it currently has...
Festive Treat HEALS Celiac Damage
This time of year can be very difficult for people living with food allergies. Especially if you have celiac disease. While the rest of your family and friends are munching down on anything they can get their hands on, you’re the one asking for the lengthy list of ingredients in the recipe. When your host...
Mailbag! Get Ahead of Holiday Weight Gain
Do you have any tips for weight loss? I’m exercising and eating less, but I’m not getting the results I want. –Lori from Salt Lake City, UT It’s absolutely frustrating when you can’t lose the weight you want to lose… especially when you’re really putting in the effort! And with it being the holidays, that...
“Christmas Herb” Keeps Your Brain YOUNG
It sure would be nice to keep your brain in tip-top shape as you age, wouldn’t it? That eight-pound lump of jelly in your head is a HUGELY important part of your health… not to mention your memory and your ability to take care of yourself. The problem becomes, the longer you live, the more...
“Sugarplum Secret” BUILDS Strong Bones
It’s that special time of year, but with all of the holiday frenzy going on, it can be easy to neglect your health. If there’s one thing you want to avoid as you get older, it’s weak bones. Because breaking a hip isn’t just painful… it can also be DEADLY. In fact, one-third of seniors who...
“AM Beverage” SAVES Your Liver
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, People tell me all the time that they worry about their heart or their brain… but I’ve almost never had someone say they’re worried about their liver. Considering your liver performs more than 500 roles in your body, however, you’d think folks would be more concerned! Clearly you want to...
Epilepsy Meds INCREASE Deadly Disease Risk?!
Folks with epilepsy have it hard enough already. Not only do you have to worry about the chance of a seizure, but you also struggle with the psychological toll of the disease… which can be substantial. And then there are the social consequences – not being able to drive, having trouble finding a job –...
1-Step Solution ELIMINATES the “Jitters”
My patient Mindy sat in my office. She’d come in because she was feeling anxious and jittery all the time. “It’s like butterflies are living in my stomach,” she said. I reassured her that people who are NOT anxious are the ones I’m worried about. The world is a scary place, and it often feels...
SLASH Your Dementia Risk with Housework?
If you’re like most seniors I treat, you’ll do just about ANYTHING to keep your memory in tip-top condition. That’s why so many of my patients go to extremes to be at their peak. Especially when it comes to preserving their memory and living long, fruitful lives. They never stop exercising… they watch everything they eat… and they...