Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

Natural Alternative Kills Cancer Cells

Dear Reader,  A big problem when it comes to cancer is the research behind it.  Because mainstream cancer research focuses on three things: drugs, radiation, and surgery.  Billions of research dollars are funneled into those areas. While the many benefits of natural medicine are IGNORED.  Fortunately, a group of scientists in Japan may have uncovered an alternative method of killing cancer cells that takes a more natural approach.    The team from Tokyo...

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[Urgent!] Vitamin Reverses Diabetes?!

Dear Reader,  It’s Christmas. I hope you’re able to safely enjoy the holiday with your children, grandchildren and loved ones.  Indulge in some treats – candy canes, chocolates and cookies.  But if you have diabetes, you know how the holidays can feel rather miserable.   You spend most of the time passing on the cookies… giving...

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Tropical Fruit Reduces Wrinkles 23% (in 2 Months!)

Dear Reader,  It’s Christmas Eve. The year is quickly coming to a close. I hope you’re able to spend some time with loved ones, safely.  And with the new year upon us, we’re all looking for ways to boost our health and well-being. Many of us are looking to increase our fitness and other ways...

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Holiday Spices with Hidden Health Benefits! 

It’s that time of year… when we all hop in our kitchens, light the oven — grab a cookie sheet or two — and start baking our favorite holiday treats.    Now, while many of these goodies are certainly indulgences – there are some reasons to not feel guilty.   In fact, as long as you don’t go too overboard with the sugary...

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“Fat Advice” You Need to IGNORE

I have a question for you…  Should the government telling us what to eat, and what not to eat?   Given that more Americans are suffering from obesity and diabetes than now than ever before, the answer is a resounding NO.  The government already has a HUGE say in which medications you can afford, they shouldn’t get a stake in your dinner...

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Morning Beverage Has Hidden Health Threat?

I’m sure you’re quite tired of the debate on whether or not coffee is good or bad for you.   Well, allow me to sum up all the research: coffee is good for you.   But don’t stop reading just yet…  While coffee is a great source of antioxidants and other healthy nutrients (as well as a shot of caffeine) —there IS something about drinking coffee that can do a lot of harm to your health.   Do you know...

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Is Your Anxiety Damaging This Vital Organ?!

“You have nothing to worry about!”  When’s the last time you heard — or believed — that?   And if we’re being honest, especially these days, it’s hard NOT to feel anxious or worried.   Between the pandemic… the relentless news cycle… worrying about the holidays and even concerns about your family’s and your OWN health, it’s no wonder you’re feeling on edge.   But there is a BIG problem with...

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A TASTY Weight Loss Hack?!

Staying healthy (especially this time of year) and keeping your weight balanced can be tough.   Not to mention, we are all already spending more time at home and looking for comfort – oftentimes in “comfort foods.”   But now research has found a great way to, not only improve your overall health, but also to get that smaller waist WITHOUT starving yourself.   And it’s all thanks to this TASTY weight...

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Prostate Cancer “Treatment” QUADRUPLES Death Risk

If you’re a guy, you never want to hear the words prostate cancer.  Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer found in men, with over 191 THOUSAND new cases annually.   But worse yet, the scariest part isn’t even just the cancer itself – it’s mainstream medicine’s treatments for your cancer.  And while this prostate cancer “treatment” has a nice, pleasant-sounding name — ADT or Androgen...

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The Ugly Truth Behind Muscle Relaxants

Do you struggle with back pain?  If so, this time of year might be particularly difficult for you. From hanging Christmas lights, putting up the tree, and wrapping your grandkids presents, it can make an already painful back, just that much more unbearable.   And what happens when you walk into your mainstream doc’s office? He’ll prescribe you an anti-inflammatory and muscle...

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