Well-Known Supplement Is “Exercise in a Bottle!”
Dear Reader, Happy New Year! I hope it’s already off to a great start. Mine is already underway – and full of new research to share with you. And every once in a while, one of these studies makes me smile. Like today — imagine my surprise when I discovered a well-known supplement (that is great for tired and sore joints) also happens...
Winter Beverage Revs Up Your Brain?!
Dear Reader, It’s New Years’ Eve – out with the old and in with the new! Now, who wouldn’t want to start the new year a bit smarter? Now, even though being smarter may not be at the top of your health goals list — it should be. That’s because one of the KEYS to fending off Alzheimer’s...
Drop in Key Vitamin Leads to Dementia?
Dear Reader, We can learn a lot by paying attention to those who do things right (and those who stray…). One of those “negative lessons” we can learn from is people who drink too much alcohol. Everything is good in moderation. But hard drinking is rough on your body for many reasons. But the one will look at today is a dramatic drop in many vitamins – one of which can have disastrous effects on your...
Dynamic Duo Destroys High Blood Sugar
Dear Reader, If you have diabetes or prediabetes, chances are your mainstream doctor already told you to give up all of your favorite foods. No more Christmas cookies, pies and cakes… or even delicious bread and crackers. Well, if that is true, it might just be time to get a new doctor. Because there’s a dynamic duo that consists only of natural medicines that can STOP diabetes – and...
[Urgent] Key Nutrients Your Brain Needs Right Now!
Dear Reader, We all hope to live to 100 or longer. We want to see our grandkids grow…and maybe even meet our great grandkids. We want to retain as much of our independence, strength, and thinking as much as possible. But the problem is, there is a big disconnect with living longer. Mainstream docs might have you believing you can...
Natural Alternative Kills Cancer Cells
Dear Reader, A big problem when it comes to cancer is the research behind it. Because mainstream cancer research focuses on three things: drugs, radiation, and surgery. Billions of research dollars are funneled into those areas. While the many benefits of natural medicine are IGNORED. Fortunately, a group of scientists in Japan may have uncovered an alternative method of killing cancer cells that takes a more natural approach. The team from Tokyo...
[Urgent!] Vitamin Reverses Diabetes?!
Dear Reader, It’s Christmas. I hope you’re able to safely enjoy the holiday with your children, grandchildren and loved ones. Indulge in some treats – candy canes, chocolates and cookies. But if you have diabetes, you know how the holidays can feel rather miserable. You spend most of the time passing on the cookies… giving...
Tropical Fruit Reduces Wrinkles 23% (in 2 Months!)
Dear Reader, It’s Christmas Eve. The year is quickly coming to a close. I hope you’re able to spend some time with loved ones, safely. And with the new year upon us, we’re all looking for ways to boost our health and well-being. Many of us are looking to increase our fitness and other ways...
Holiday Spices with Hidden Health Benefits!
It’s that time of year… when we all hop in our kitchens, light the oven — grab a cookie sheet or two — and start baking our favorite holiday treats. Now, while many of these goodies are certainly indulgences – there are some reasons to not feel guilty. In fact, as long as you don’t go too overboard with the sugary...
“Fat Advice” You Need to IGNORE
I have a question for you… Should the government telling us what to eat, and what not to eat? Given that more Americans are suffering from obesity and diabetes than now than ever before, the answer is a resounding NO. The government already has a HUGE say in which medications you can afford, they shouldn’t get a stake in your dinner...