Surprising Sign Could Reveal Cognitive Decline
Ever find yourself with a clear image in your head but grasping for the actual word to describe it? If so, you’re not alone. I’ve been there, too—with the word remaining stubbornly just out of reach, leaving me wondering if this brain burp could be the first sign of cognitive decline. But a fascinating new...
The Unexpected Organ Behind Your Brain Fog
Dementia is a nightmare most of us would do just about anything to avoid. The thought of losing our mental faculties is downright terrifying. But what if, in some cases, what looks like dementia could actually be a sign of ANOTHER organ crying out for help? Sounds weird, right? Well, keep reading for the surprising...
The Shocking Chemical Lurking in Your Breakfast Bowl
The next time you grab a bowl, a spoon, and reach for that box of your favorite cereal… well, you might want to think twice. A startling new study found a dangerous chemical could be hiding in your morning meal, and chances are you’re already consuming it. Let’s dive into the disturbing research shaking up...
Common Mineral Supports a Steel Trap Memory
Worrying about your memory as you age is perfectly normal. We’ve all had the experience of walking into a room and forgetting why we’re there. And if you’ve noticed that it’s getting harder to concentrate on tasks that used to be a breeze, I assure you you’re not alone. It’s disturbing, but don’t panic. It...
7 Expert Hacks for Stress-Free Health Decisions
Even in the best of times, making health decisions is difficult. But with a gushing pipeline of information flying at us every waking moment, it becomes harder by the day. However, making good decisions about your health under this ever-changing barrage of information doesn’t HAVE to be hard. In fact, using a few well-chosen “rules”...
Screentime and Skin Aging Link REVEALED
By now, you’ve undoubtedly heard that the blue light from electronic devices, like your smartphone, can mess with your circadian rhythm, disturb your sleep, and trigger a number of health problems. But what if I told you that same glow could be keeping you from putting your best face forward? A new wave of research...
Move BEYOND the Tinnitus Buzz Naturally
“I have tinnitus. Is there anything that will stop it?” – Seeking Silence Hi Seeking, The constant ringing, buzzing, or whistling of tinnitus is enough to drive anyone crazy. First, let’s get one thing straight—tinnitus isn’t an ear problem. It’s a brain problem. Your brain creates noise where there isn’t any. Several natural approaches show...
The Tiny Tablet Turning Back Time on Your Brain
Let’s talk about the humble multivitamin. Is there any natural health solution that gets beaten up on more? I doubt it. Critics are quick to dismiss these little nutritional powerhouses. “Just eat a balanced diet,” they insist. Well, show me one person who eats perfectly ALL the time, and I’ll show you a unicorn because...
Unlock “Ageless” Skin with This Glow Up Secret
Let’s face it… everyone (women and men alike) wants to keep their skin looking youthful and radiant as they age. However, this quest for the fountain of youth can feel like a losing battle as you juggle expensive creams, painful injections, and risky surgeries. But what if I told you that the key to turning...
Simple Light Trick Unlocks Better Sleep and Mood
We all know a good night’s sleep is crucial for overall good health. In fact, earlier this week, I warned you about how letting in even a little ligh at night can harm your mental health. But what if I told you that light could also be the key to BETTER sleep and a BRIGHTER...