Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

“Kitchen Cure” Cracks Prostate Cancer Code

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men… and the leading cause of cancer death among men in the United States. That’s the BAD news. The GOOD news is that prostate cancer typically grows very slowly. In fact, it’s why many men and their doctors opt for “watchful waiting.” During watchful waiting,...

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Mood-Boosting “Monkey Fruit” Drives Away the Blues

Unmotivated, gloomy, melancholy, feeling blah, or down in the dumps. There are countless ways to describe the unwelcome combo of low energy and dark mood that strikes the best of us from time to time. It’s not quite depression, but it still manages to drain the color and joy out of life. However, I’ve discovered...

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Unlock the Power of “Healthspan”

Eat more vegetables! Exercise for 30 minutes daily! Get eight hours of sleep! If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times. And as a Living Well Daily reader, you already know I’m a fan of taking simple steps to improve your health. However, a patient sat in front of me the other...

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Outsmart Damaging “Zombie Cells” (4-Step Protocol)

Everyone gets a bit grouchy at times. I know I sure as heck do. But even on your worst curmudgeon days, your grumpiness pales in comparison to the bad attitude of a certain aging cell hiding out in your body right now. They’re often referred to as “zombies.” But their technical name is senescent cells....

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Mailbag: Itchy Ears? THIS Could Be the Cause

“Is it normal for my ears to feel itchy when I eat certain foods?” — Joe Hi Joe, A condition called mouth allergy syndrome causes lips, mouth, tongue, and throat swelling in those who have it when they eat certain foods. Some of these folks also experience itchy ears. Tree nuts, veggies, and fruits are...

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Slash Stroke Risk Over 15% with ONE Nutrient

Every 40 seconds, a stroke strikes someone in the United States. When it happens, lives change instantly. The ability to move, speak, and think can disappear in moments. But what if simple nutrition… a minor dietary tweak… could slash your stroke risk? Exciting new research reveals that could be the case. So, let’s take a...

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Ancient Practice TAMES Blood Pressure

Like an invisible thief in the night, high blood pressure sneaks up on you, stealing your health one day at a time. Left unchecked, this “silent killer” sets the stage for a catastrophe—sending your risk for heart attack, stroke, dementia, kidney failure, and blindness soaring. This preventable condition claims over half a million lives every...

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Snacking on “Fat Bombs” Drops Disease Risk 67%

Repeat after me, “Fat is NOT my foe.” As I’ve explained before (including earlier this week), eating fat is not only safe, it’s NECESSARY. Besides, there are FAR bigger problems with most folk’s diets than saturated fats, including added sugars, preservatives, emulsifiers, and artificial colors. Now, new research from Vanderbilt University Medical Center puts yet...

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Troubling Tea ALERT (Read BEFORE Your Next Sip)

If taking care of your health seems complicated you should know that’s a feeling we ALL experience occasionally. At times it feels like nothing can just be… well… SIMPLE. Take tea for example… For years I’ve been extolling the virtues of this healing beverage. I’ve explained that tea drinking is an affordable and delicious ticket...

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Can’t Stop Overeating? THIS Could Be WHY

A clever patient recently asked me, “We use rubbing alcohol to kill germs and clean surfaces. So, does drinking alcohol hurt the good bacteria living in my intestines?” It might seem like an odd question, at first. However, it reveals a remarkable intuition about how drinking alcohol and disinfecting alcohol could impact microscopic lifeforms. And...

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