The Snacking Habit that’s HARMING Your Health
Do you know what’s really changed in the last few decades? Well, besides cell phones, self-driving cars, and the endless 24/7 news cycle. Snacks! Our snacking habits have been completely transformed. And NOT for the better. Snacking has gone from an occasional treat to folks gobbling down two, three, or even FOUR snacks daily. You...
Germ Magnet Puts YOU at Risk (GROSS!)
If you weren’t already a “germaphobe” before COVID-19 arrived, there’s a good chance you became one after… well, for a while anyway. We ALL turned into clean freaks during the height of the pandemic. And it wasn’t just the constant hand washing, either. (Which I hope you’re STILL doing.) If you were like a lot...
Colon Cancer “Cover-Up” Puts YOU at Risk
Colon cancer is a serious disease with a disturbingly high death rate. It kills nearly 1,000 Americans weekly. And now we’re faced with a NEW troubling trend. The disease is striking some folks earlier than ever before. That means we’re ALL at risk for colon cancer REGARDLESS of age. But what mainstream medicine… and the...
Mailbag: My FAIL-PROOF Trick for 2024 Resolution Success
“Did you set any New Year’s resolutions? Are there any you’d recommend?” – Rachel Hi Rachel, I have mixed feelings when it comes to making New Year’s resolutions. On one hand, the start of a new year feels like a fresh beginning—a chance to set ambitious goals and make positive changes in our lives. The...
Common Treats DESTROY Your Brain
Sugar consumption in America has reached an all-time high. Now, you don’t need ME to tell you what regularly indulging in sugary treats can do to your waistline. But you likely DON’T know the devastating impact they can have on your BRAIN. So back away from the cookie and step away from that candy bar...
Natural Sleep Solution Costs PENNIES a day
You toss and turn most nights, struggling to fall asleep. Feeling exhausted rather than refreshed from a whole night’s rest, you have trouble dragging yourself out of bed when morning arrives. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry… you’re NOT alone. But exciting new research reveals a simple solution that could have you soon sleeping like...
The DISTURBING Truth About Diet Soda
If you drink DIET soda because you’re convinced it’s healthier, I have bad news. The case against your diet soft drink habit is now STRONGER than ever. And the reason WHY will blow you away. Big Food has spent BILLIONS convincing folks who want to be healthier that, when they choose foods and drinks with...
This COMMON Habit Could KILL You
Cardiovascular disease is a cold-blooded KILLER. In fact, heart- and circulation-related illnesses are THE leading causes of death worldwide. A staggering one in three deaths are a result of cardiovascular disease, with heart attack leading the way as the ‘top’ killer. If you focus on improving your heart health ALONE, your odds of living to...
The RIGHT (and WRONG) Way to Weigh Yourself
It’s THAT time of year again. You know, weight loss season. Every January, the combination of holiday weight gain and weight loss resolutions has us regularly climbing on the scale. But it might surprise you to learn that there IS a correct and incorrect way to weigh yourself. It’s strange but true. In fact, when...
Potent NATURAL Trio Reigns in Rising Blood Sugar
It’s the moment every diabetic dreads. You arrive at your doctor’s office, and he breaks the news. “You need new meds,” he says gravely, pulling out the prescription pad. And you were following his advice to the letter. You’ve done your best with your diet, increased your exercise, and dutifully taken metformin daily. So, your...