Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

Weight Loss Drug Linked to Serious Side Effects

I can’t tell you how many times it’s happened. A new prescription medication is introduced by Big Pharma with lots of fanfare. The press enthusiastically promotes the new “miracle drug.” The med predictably flies off pharmacy shelves. And everyone is happy. Well, happy, that is, until the truth is revealed. Because inevitably, after many folks...

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Hidden Harm of Daylight Savings

Daylight Saving Time is no big deal. It’s just an hour… it can’t affect that much. Right? WRONG. The truth is whether we’re “springing forth” or “falling back,” daylight saving time (DST) can change your life in small but harmful ways. In fact, research reveals one common side effect that can negatively affect EVERY aspect...

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Overlooked Health Measurement Could SAVE Your Life

You likely know how much you weigh. After all, if you forget, your doctor will surely remind you on your next visit. You may even have a scale to keep track of it at home. And the same is true for your blood pressure and maybe even your blood sugar. But few of us pay...

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Common Meds Send SUDDEN Heart Attack Risk Soaring

Let’s face it. When managing a chronic disease like diabetes, you’re likely at your doctor’s office FAR more often than you’d like. But when you go, you expect to at least walk out of there with something that will SUPPORT or IMPROVE your health. And that is typically the case. But startling new research reveals...

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Beat BACK the Fall Blues (No Drugs Required!)

“I’m dreading the fall. I feel like I always start to get depressed this time of year. Is that normal?” – Kathy from Boston, MA Hi Kathy, The colorful leaves and cool breezes of fall might sound picture-perfect, but for many the new season ushers in feelings of melancholy and isolation. As the days get...

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“Magical Mineral” Trick SLASHES Heart Risk

Most folks are familiar with atherosclerosis. It’s a condition that leads to the blood vessels around the heart to become gunked up with plaques. If those vessels become too clogged, it can cause a heart attack. However, many people have NOT heard of another common blood vessel disease called peripheral arterial disease or PAD. It,...

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20-Minute Trick SLASHES Depression Risk

Depression is becoming more and more common. The condition effects millions every year and older folks aren’t immune from the surge. In fact, more than two million of the 34 million Americans 65 and over suffer from some form of depression. But new research reveals a 20-minute trick that can SLASH your risk. And even...

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TAME Your Irregular Heartbeat with This FIX

Atrial fibrillation (a-fib) is an irregular heart rhythm. It’s where the atria (part of the heart) beats uncontrollably and out of sync with the rest of the heart. Folks with the condition may feel a “flutter” in their chest or that their heart is racing nonstop. What CAUSES a-fib has long been a mystery. But...

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Common Food Additive THREATENS Your Heart

The funny thing about ultra-processed foods is everyone KNOWS they’re BAD for their health. Yet they eat them anyway. Whether it’s potato chips, donuts, chicken nuggets, or frozen TV meals, these fake foods harm your blood sugar, brain, mood, and more. Even worse, a steady diet of the junk literally shortens your lifespan. But now...

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The Gut Secret You HAVEN'T Heard About (Easy!)

Once we do something often enough, it’s easy for it to become old habit. This can be especially true when it comes to the pills we take. You get up, have your coffee, eat breakfast, and take your morning vitamins. You get ready for bed, brush your teeth, and take your nighttime supplements. But if...

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