Prostate Cancer Treatment MAKES WAVES (Side-Effect-Free!)
I’m not going to pull any punches here. Getting a prostate cancer diagnosis is downright terrifying. And that’s especially true because for YEARS there weren’t any remarkable advancements in the treatments for this cancer. Watchful waiting (active surveillance) was the best we could do for men with small tumors that didn’t appear aggressive. And for...
Top COVID Symptoms Have Changed (SURPRISING!)
We’ve lived with COVID-19 for nearly three years now. That means we KNOW what it looks like, right? Wrong. The dominant COVID strain infecting people today doesn’t look exactly like the one that infected people last year. The virus is constantly changing. And so are the symptoms when you catch it. Different COVID strains appear...
NSAID Pain Relievers: A SHOCKING Discovery
My excellent editor told me the other day that she gave in and took some naproxen for her psoriatic arthritis pain. And she’s not alone. Occasionally even people who are passionate about natural medicine turn to over-the-counter or prescription drugs for pain relief. After all, joint pain can be downright debilitating. But before you reach...
Simple Trick Dramatically Slows Memory Loss
Ask a group of middle-aged people about their biggest fear, and they will almost universally say, “losing their minds.” And I agree. The thought of my precious memories fading away is at the top of MY “no thanks” list. But just wanting your brain to be healthy isn’t enough. You have to work at protecting...
MAILBAG: The DISTURBING Truth About Alzheimer's Drugs
“What’s your take on the drugs for Alzheimer’s?” – Timothy, from Bel Air, MD Hi Timothy, Let me make it simple: They’re junk. You’ve seen the breathless headlines, I’m sure. After all, they’re almost impossible to ignore! They make exciting claims like “New breakthrough in Alzheimer’s Treatment Is a Game Changer!” or “FINALLY an Alzheimer’s...
Don't Start Your Dishwasher Until You Read THIS
For YEARS, modern medicine essentially ignored the gastrointestinal tract. Sure, it’s where you digest and absorb your food. But that was the end of the story. They were clueless about how intertwined our digestive system is with our OVERALL well-being. We now understand our gut is so closely linked to our health that it’s impossible...
Pro-Honey Study Is Full of HOLES
When I first spotted this new study on the supposed benefits of eating honey, I was ready to punch holes in it (for reasons I’ll reveal in a moment). In fact, I’d typically toss a study like this one in the trash and move on. But as I thumbed through the research published in the...
AVOID Hospital Stays with this NATURE Hack?!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re like most folks, you will do just about ANYTHING to avoid a trip to the hospital. But if you’re battling a neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, that’s easier said than done. Each year nearly a third of Americans living with Parkinson’s will end up in the hospital....
At-Home Test Predicts Your Longevity?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, These days it’s common to have a blood pressure cuff at home. They’re a great way to monitor your health and can help track the effects of your supplement and exercise routines. But another simple tool can provide even GREATER insights into your health. And most folks have never heard...
Diabetes Trigger HIDDEN in Popular Foods
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It’s no surprise that what you eat affects your health. And you don’t need ME to explain that a steady diet of junk foods, like candy bars or potato chips, can raise your risks for various illnesses. But researchers recently uncovered something downright disturbing about foods that countless folks eat...