Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

“Stride Secret” SUPERCHARGES Your Walks

I bet you’ve been told you should be walking 10,000 steps a day. And if you’re like most folks, you assume that widely quoted figure was arrived scientifically after YEARS of study and research. But it turns out we’ve all been hoodwinked. A guy just made that number up. I’m serious. One guy essentially picked...

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Hidden “Everywhere” Chemical Busts Up Blood Sugar Control

I’m passionate about avoiding the harmful effects of sugar. In fact, I’m so concerned about the damage our over-consumption of the sweet stuff is doing to our health that I wrote an entire book on the subject called Sugarettes. But even though I take a firm stance about steering clear of sugar, I have an...

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“Hobby Hero” Slashes Dementia Risk

Hard headed. Thick skulled. The phrases we use to talk about our heads could make you think they’re tough. But the truth is your brain beneath that thick skull is vulnerable. In fact, it’s under constant threat from modern living. Environmental chemicals, inflammatory sugars, harmful vegetable oils, and other junk foods do damage daily. And...

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MAILBAG: Don’t Miss These Dementia Red Flags

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, “How can I spot the difference between normal forgetfulness and signs of dementia?” –– Murphy, from Gatlinburg, TN Hi Murphy, Most of us start to have some minor memory complaints as we age. For example, I struggle with tip-of-the-tongue brain burps. I know the word I’m looking for, but I...

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Deny Death with LONGEVITY Prescription

I’ve never owned a crystal ball. And I can’t see into the future. But I’m still going to make a prediction about you. With each passing year, you’ll fight tooth and nail to stay healthy. Diet, exercise, health trends… you intend to keep up with it all. Whatever it takes to stay in the best...

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BELLY Secret Could EASE COVID-19 Severity?

I bet you’re sick and tired of hearing about COVID-19. In fact, you were probably fed up with it YEARS ago. Most of us were. But the reality is we’re stuck with this bug right now… and likely for a long time to come. In fact, most infectious disease experts say we’ll likely have to...

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Heart-Supporting Nutrient FIGHTS Fatigue

Ever had one of those “DUH!” moments? You know the kind I’m talking about. The puzzle pieces fall into place and you think, “I should have thought of that before.” Well, I had one of my own a few weeks ago. A good friend told me she was feeling so much better after I suggested...

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2-Minute Trick SLASHES Blood Sugar Levels

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you have problems maintaining a healthy blood sugar level, I feel your pain. Reigning in those numbers and getting them to behave can be a constant challenge. A lot of folks turn to the internet for some help. But that can sometimes backfire. After all, more often than not,...

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"Early Bird" Benefits Don't End with the Worm

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Friend, I’m one of those annoying “morning people.” By the time the rest of my family gets up, I’ve already exercised, worked on a chapter of a book I’m writing and had breakfast. I honestly don’t put any effort into being an early riser. It’s simply something I’ve done all...

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MAILBAG: Erase Back Pain Without Dangerous Pain Killers

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, “I feel like I have to just keep taking more and more pain relievers to help my lower back pain. Is there anything else I can do to get some relief?” – Bruce from Omaha, Nebraska Hi Bruce, I don’t have to tell YOU that painkillers only work for a...

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