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7 Healing Foods to SUPERCHARGE Your Diet

I often offer advice on what you shouldn’t eat. It’s easy to point out what we’re doing wrong with our diet. After all, processed foods are cheap and readily available. And they fit perfectly into our busy lifestyle. So, let’s flip the script, and I’ll share what foods you should munch on MORE. Following are...

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Spot Dementia BEFORE it Takes Hold

We’ve all had those memory glitch moments where we walk into a room and forget why we’re there. Or you struggle to remember the actor’s name in a movie you just watched. But when does normal brain aging cross the line into something more serious like cognitive decline? It’s a question that’s kept researchers busy...

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Mailbag! How to Find a Natural Medicine Practitioner

“When I go to my doctor, he just talks about prescription drugs and mainstream treatments. How do you find a doctor that’s open-minded and doesn’t just want to subscribe to everything Big Pharma says? What type of doctor do I need to look for and where do I look?” —Jeff Hi Jeff, This is precisely...

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Could This Pest Ruin Your BBQ?

We’ve all heard the warnings about ticks and Lyme disease. But now there’s a new tick in town that’s causing quite a stir—and it doesn’t even spread Lyme. Meet the lone star tick. This aggressive little critter is making its way across the U.S., leaving a trail of concerned health experts in its wake. If...

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“Lights Out” Method SLASHES Diabetes Risk

We all know that diet and exercise are crucial in preventing type 2 diabetes. But what if I told you that making a simple change to your sleeping environment could ALSO significantly dial down your risk? A groundbreaking new study suggests that this easy, no-cost strategy could be a powerful tool in our diabetes prevention...

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“Blind”-sided by Ozempic? The Vision Loss Link

I always caution people NOT to take a new drug. Why? Because no matter how many studies Big Pharma conducts before putting a med on the market, it’s never enough. You really don’t know what the actual side effects of a drug are until it’s been “tested” in millions of people. This cautionary tale plays...

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The Secret Ingredient to a Longer, Happier Life

Let’s face it. We’re all in need of an attitude adjustment from time to time. After all, when you turn on the news these days, the world can seem pretty dark. That is unless you make it a practice to look for the silver linings. In fact, Harvard researchers say when you do, something quite...

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Do You REALLY Need All Those Skincare Products?

I often get questions about skincare products—and here’s what I’ve learned. In today’s beauty-obsessed world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of spending hundreds every month believing you need countless products to fight aging and achieve healthy, glowing skin. However, many dermatologists argue that LESS is MORE when it comes to skincare. Simplifying your...

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“Ebb and Flow” Technique TRANSFORMS Senior Brain Health

You know by now that exercise is good for you. It keeps your heart healthy, your muscles strong, and your waistline trim. But what if I told you that a trendy “ebb and flow” workout technique—often associated with young fitness enthusiasts—could actually be a game-changer for us “oldsters” when it comes to brain health? And...

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Mailbag: Slash Your Risk of Bone Fractures as You Age

“My doctor recently told me that I have osteoporosis. What can I do to reduce my risk of fractures and maintain strong bones as I age?” – Margaret Hi Margaret, Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I’m sure it was a shock. Osteoporosis is a serious condition that affects millions of people, and it’s not...

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