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Trouble Focusing? The Likely Cause (and FIX)

“Hello, police? I want to report a burglary.” The thief? Big Tech. What did they steal? Our ability to focus. If you’re like a LOT of folks, you find yourself continually distracted these days. Your ability to concentrate is shot. And there’s this little rectangular box that constantly draws your attention away from the present...

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Snoring Could Give You DEMENTIA?!

We sure have a lot of ways to refer to snoring here in the United States. Sawing logs, mowing hay, hitting a knot, and blowing zs are just a few that come to mind. But regardless of what you call it, snoring is serious business. And if you, or someone you love, snores, you should...

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MAILBAG: Recover from Surgery FASTER

“I’m having knee replacement surgery next month. I’m very nervous. Are there any ways to speed up recovery?” – Jen, Boulder, CO There’s no doubt about it. Surgery IS stressful for the body (and mind), and it takes time to heal. But your recovery time CAN typically be reduced with a bit of extra support. Most...

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Dementia Test Raises Red Flags YEARS Earlier?!

Do you get a bit worried that you have Alzheimer’s every time you forget something? If so, you’re not alone. It’s a COMMON fear as we age. After all, when you find yourself standing in the middle of a room wondering WHY you walked in there, it’s easy to think you could be headed down...

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Pleasant Pick-Me-Up Supports Gut Balance

Your gut bacteria are like a little community of tiny workers. Each bug has its own job to do. And there are a LOT of the tiny little critters. In fact, scientists estimate you have about 100 trillion of these microorganisms in your digestive tract. Collectively, they’re referred to as your microbiome. The problem is...

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"One and Done" Thinking Boosts THIS Deadly Risk

If you exercise most days of the week, that’s FANTASTIC! I’ll be the first to congratulate you. You’re doing FAR better than most folks, and you should be proud of yourself. But if you’re a victim of what I call “one and done” (OAD) thinking, it could lead to unintended consequences despite your daily workout....

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Evade Dementia with a VITAMIN?! Study says, "YES!"

Few things are as crucial as maintaining brain health as you age. You can live with a bum knee or losing your hair. And cranking up the volume on the TV to hear your favorite shows might be annoying, but it’s manageable. However, fading brain power is a horse of a different color. It means...

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“Trick Yourself” Into Exercising? (Easy!)

I often talk about the benefits of exercise here in Living Well Daily. And there’s a good reason for that. Allow me to boil all that advice down to one observation… Exercise is your ticket to a LONGER, HAPPIER, and HEALTHIER life. But I get it. Knowing that and putting it into action are two...

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KICK Sugar Cravings and SLASH Disease Risk

People always ask me, “What’s the ONE thing I can do to improve my health?” I can make a good argument for exercising, getting better sleep, and even eating an (organic) apple a day. But by far, the BEST thing you can do to improve your health is to cut sugar out of your life....

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Mature woman looks at hair in hand and worries about hair loss

MAILBAG: NATURAL Hair Loss Solutions

“Anything natural for hair loss?” – Terry, Reno, NV Hi Terry, About 50 percent of men and 52 percent of women experience hair loss after age 50. In other words, it’s VERY common. Hair loss can occur for many reasons. And that can make it difficult to treat sometimes. But there are a few common...

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