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8 Heart Attack Early WARNING Signs [ALERT]

Wouldn’t it be great if you could see into the future? No, I’m not suggesting you scope out the next Mega Millions lottery numbers. (Although, I’ll admit, if you DID get your hands on a time machine, it’s not a bad idea.) But I have another option that could result in an even BIGGER payoff....

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I guess you’ve heard by now that vitamin D is kind of a BIG deal. I’ve written about D’s MANY benefits more times than I can count. And for good reason. After all, this powerful vitamin plays so MANY vital roles that it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to be healthy without enough vitamin D in your veins....

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"Carrot Cure" Keeps Arteries Clean

You want to keep your arteries clean and clear. That much is obvious, right? After all, you NEED good blood flow to deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. When blood vessels become clogged, they can’t do this VITAL job. Typically, when folks hear clogged arteries, the first thing that comes to mind is the...

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Mailbag! NATURAL Summer Allergy Relief

“I rarely have allergies but they have been so bad this year, even in the summer. Are seasonal summer allergies a thing? Is there anything natural that can help?” – Nancy from Milwaukee, WI Nancy, Allergies can strike at ANY time of the year. And in fact, MANY folks suffer from summertime allergies. But hay...

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BRIGHT Idea Drives Down Depression?

I call it “default mode.” It’s when we run into friends, and everyone greets each other with big smiles as we swap pleasantries. But next time you see someone you know, stop and take a closer look. Because sometimes, BEHIND those smiles, there’s a hidden battle raging. And maybe that SAME battle is being covered...

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Maintain "TEENAGE" Muscles with a 10-Minute Therapy?

We don’t talk about it much… But one of the MOST vital parts of healthy aging is maintaining muscle strength. You see, strong muscles help us stay independent, prevent falls, maintain flexibility, and EVEN boost brainpower. Regularly moving your body as you age is critical for staying healthy. I typically recommend an active hobby like...

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"Sneaker Trick" FIGHTS Cognitive Decline

I hear it from folks all the time. They aren’t afraid of dying. But losing their MIND? Well, THAT terrifies them. The last thing they want is to become a burden to their family. I get it because I feel the same way. I’m guessing you might too. And that means you’ll want to take...

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Simple Herb Extract SLASHES Autoimmune Risks

I think we can all agree that having a strong immune system is a GOOD thing. But sometimes that immune system backfires and starts attacking YOUR BODY. This process is called autoimmunity and various diseases fall under its umbrella, including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s, psoriatic arthritis, type 1 diabetes, and celiac. But the actual underlying CAUSE...

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Is Coffee or Tea Healthier? The FINAL Answer

There are two sides to America that are locked in an epic battle. And it seems like they’ll NEVER come to an agreement. No, I’m NOT referring to our contentious politics… I’m talking about coffee versus tea lovers. Let’s finally put an END to this constant clash. We’ll toss them both in the ring and...

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Skip this VITAL Health Check and PAY the Price

As a Living Well Daily reader, I bet I can guess a few things about you. You’re obviously interested in health. Plus, because you DO read all the latest research, you know a bit more about the topic than the average Joe. And you also likely do your best to look out for your health...

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