Revealed: The Danger You Won’t Find On Prescription Warning Labels

  • Yet another health risk associated with Pharmaceuticals… this one you never hear on a Cialis commercial.
  • Toss ‘em if you got ‘em.  The DEA asks no questions.
  • The answer to “why” you’re getting today’s issue so early, below

Editor’s note: For your own safety, today’s issue of Living Well Daily is coming to you earlier than its normal scheduled time. Read on to find out why…

Dear Reader,

“I’m OK. I just called the cops and they are on the way. Just please come over now! I’m scared!”

A while back, a close friend lost her stepfather to cancer. During the last stages of his life, her mother cared for him with the help of hospice in their home. And that’s when she received this frantic phone call from her panicky mother.

Since he was suffering from tremendous pain due to bone cancer, the hospice supplied them with lots of pain medication.

In fact, it was the largest amount of prescription medications I’ve ever seen outside of a pharmacy. And since I spent nearly a decade in a busy emergency room, that’s saying something. There were dozens of opioid lollipops, countless bottles of oxycodone, and stacks of morphine patches all over their home.

A month after the hospice treatment began, her stepfather passed away.

But this was the first hardship her mother would suffer that year.

--Some Dangers Aren’t On the Warning Label

Once all of the formalities were taken care of, my friend’s mother had some work done to her home — professional cleaning, new flooring, fresh paint, etc. It was an effort to renew her space after the death of her husband.

Unfortunately, her efforts to rejuvenate the home took a dangerous and bizarre turn.

She came home one evening after work to find had been robbed.

But what they left was weird. Jewelry, electronics, valuable artwork… none of that had been touched. The only things taken were most of the prescription drugs and a few dollars in cash.

When the police arrived on the scene, they gave her some upsetting news.

Apparently, there was a string of these types of robberies in her area. And all of them were tied to prescription drugs.

The officer explained while it’s not always the case, it was likely someone knew of the prescriptions in her home. It could have been one of the people she hired, or even one of the many health care workers who looked after her husband. He went on to say:

“You know, you are really lucky you weren’t home, ma’am. The last home invasion like this, the homeowners were held at gunpoint and physically assaulted. Always make sure you get rid of old prescriptions as soon as possible. People will hurt you to get them.”

As it turns out, that cop is right.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 3.7 million home burglaries occur here in America every year. Of these, 1 million occur while a household member is at home, and over 250,00 people become victims of violent crimes.1

Keep in mind these stats are from 2007. And while there are no clear data on how many of these were related to prescription drug theft, you don’t have to look far to hear about a new case.

This is why our message to you is so urgent.

--Trash the Trouble TODAY!

You see, today is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is teaming up with local law enforcement agencies to provide folks with designated drop-off points for their unwanted or expired prescription drugs. Plus, it’s completely free of charge, and there are no questions asked.

But this service is available only from 10 a.m. –2 p.m. today. That’s why you received this message hours before its regularly scheduled time.

To find a drop-off location or more information, click here or call (800) 882-9539.

If you can’t make it to the drop-off today, you can find more information about proper drug disposal here.

I urge you to take this opportunity to get rid of any unwanted drugs in your home before they cause you harm or strife like they did for my friend’s mother.

Live well,

Natalie Moore
Managing editor, Living Well Daily


[1] National Crime Victimization Survey

Natalie Moore

Written By Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore is a dedicated health researcher with a passion for finding healthy, natural, and science-based solutions. After a decade of direct healthcare experience in western and natural medicine, she was involved in public health research before joining Living Well Daily.

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