Spot Hidden Signs of High Blood Sugar

Many elements contribute to HEALTHY aging. They range from genetics to diet.

But one of the BEST ways to give yourself a leg up in the aging game is to keep your blood sugar in check.

Because high blood sugar doesn’t just go hand-in-hand with diabetes. Rising glucose levels are ALSO a trigger for some of the WORST diseases that often come with aging.

The trouble is, most folks don’t know how to spot if their blood sugar is silently on the rise.

But you don’t have to stay in the dark. Because there ARE some telltale warning signs. And you can spot them IF you know what to look for.

When you get caught off guard by skyrocketing blood sugars, you’re at higher risk for a stack of disturbing health problems. If left untreated, they can eventually send you to an early grave.

Diabetes is the most obvious disease on the list. But your risks for heart disease, kidney disease, hearing loss, eye damage, depression, and even dementia spike too.

But the elevated blood sugars that signal diabetes typically come with some red flags.

Following are the six most common diabetes warning signs you shouldn’t ignore:

  • Frequent urination: Having to urinate frequently and often with urgency, even when you’ve gone recently.
  • Fatigue: Feeling tired all the time and lacking energy.
  • Brain Fog: Having trouble concentrating or making decisions.
  • Extreme hunger and thirst: Feeling ravenous or like you can’t get enough to drink.
  • Rapid weight loss: Losing weight quickly and without trying.
  • Frequent infections: Having repeat skin or body infections.

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you should ask your doctor about taking a hemoglobin A1C blood test.

The A1C reveals what your blood sugar levels have been over several months. It’s typically used to diagnose pre-diabetes and diabetes.

But regardless of the test results, you can take some simple steps starting NOW to keep your blood sugar in the healthy zone.

  • Diet do-over: Fill up on healthy proteins and bunches of veggies. Avoid processed foods, sugar, grains, and too many starchy vegetables. If you’re going to indulge in something with sugar, then do it as part of a meal to slow down the absorption of the sugar and head off blood sugar spikes.
  • Make a move: Regular exercise is critical for balancing blood sugar. But you don’t have to run a marathon or spend hours at the gym lifting weights. Instead, choose an activity (or a few) you like to do, such as walking, golfing, tennis, dancing, or swimming, and then do it as often as possible. Exercise helps your body process sugar more effectively.
  • Calm inflammation: Eat more inflammation-fighting foods such as salmon, tuna, olive oil, walnuts, blueberries, and tea. Take inflammation-fighting supplements like omega-3-rich fish oil, curcumin, and Boswellia. And take steps to reduce stress in your life.
  • Try supplements: The herb berberine and the mineral chromium help naturally control blood sugar.

Don’t let soaring blood sugar catch you off guard. Be on the lookout for the red flags. And take steps NOW to reign in your numbers before you find yourself on the fast track to diabetes, disease, and rapid aging.

P.S. Recent research reveals a DRUG-FREE way to dial down your blood sugar that rivals prescription meds. All it takes is a little bit of your time. (And an open mind!) CLICK HERE for all the exciting details.


“Management of hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes, 2018. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).” Diabetologia 61, 2461–2498 (2018).

American Diabetes Association,

Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Written By Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease.
Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

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