Fish Oil CAUSES A-Fib? (Don’t Take the Bait!)
You’ve undoubtedly seen the recent “shocking” fish-oil news by now. The disturbing headlines claiming fish oil supplements cause atrial fibrillation (A-fib) or heart disease have been plastered practically everywhere you look. I’ve written about the heart BENEFITS of these supplements many times before, and now, some study has come along and concluded, “Oh, by the...
Unexpected Danger LURKS in Your Drinking Glass
I’ve said it so often I’m in danger of sounding like a broken record. (For those folks old enough to remember them.) But this habit is such a threat to your health it’s STILL worth the risk. One of the WORST things you can swallow is sweetened beverages—made with natural and fake sugars. They’ve already...
Overlooked Health Measurement Could SAVE Your Life
You likely know how much you weigh. After all, if you forget, your doctor will surely remind you on your next visit. You may even have a scale to keep track of it at home. And the same is true for your blood pressure and maybe even your blood sugar. But few of us pay...
TAME Your Irregular Heartbeat with This FIX
Atrial fibrillation (a-fib) is an irregular heart rhythm. It’s where the atria (part of the heart) beats uncontrollably and out of sync with the rest of the heart. Folks with the condition may feel a “flutter” in their chest or that their heart is racing nonstop. What CAUSES a-fib has long been a mystery. But...
"SKIP" Atrial Fibrillation with 3 Heart Hacks
Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) can be as uncomfortable as it is dangerous. Feeling those heart palpitations or flutters in your heart is downright nerve-wracking, to begin with. But then, knowing that you could suffer a sudden, deadly blood clot can send your anxiety right through the roof. The mainstream approach to treating the disease is either...
Vitamin D PREVENTS Heart "Hiccups"?!
Frankly, EVERYONE reading this should be taking vitamin D. You probably know by now just how beneficial and crucial this “sunshine” vitamin is for your health. From improving bone health and muscle function, to lowering blood pressure and reducing depression—there’s no shortage on what this vitamin can do. And recently, we’ve learned it can be...
Dodge Heart Palpitations with POTENT A-fib Fix
If you’ve ever felt your heart fluttering or “skipping a beat,” you may have experienced atrial fibrillation or A-fib. It’s a common condition that can cause an irregular heartbeat, palpitations, fatigue, and even make you more likely to have a stroke or heart attack. A-fib affects folks of ALL ages but tends to strike seniors...
Mailbag! How to Treat A-fib NATURALLY
I was recently diagnosed with A-fib, and I was hoping you could suggest some natural ways to deal with it. –Lawanda from Milwaukee, WI Lawanda, As I’m sure your doctor probably explained, A-fib (atrial fibrillation) is a heart condition where the atria (upper part of the heart) beats irregularly. This irregular rhythm can cause a...
The A-Plus Solution for A-fib (Easy!)
I’ve had many patients come into my office seeking treatment for atrial fibrillation… but it’s still hard to witness. A-fib (as it’s often called) is a dangerous disease. The heart palpitations alone are nerve-wracking, but knowing that you could suddenly have a blood clot in your heart is a lot for any person to bear...
CONQUER A-fib Symptoms FAST (Wow!)
I’ve had many patients come into my office seeking treatment for atrial fibrillation… but it’s still hard for me to see. A-fib (as it’s often called) is a dangerous disease. The heart palpitations alone are nerve-wracking, but knowing that you could suddenly have a blood clot in your heart is a lot for any person...