gut bacteria

Secret Cancer-Fighting Duo REVEALED

You’ve no doubt heard a LOT about gut health lately. Heck, I talk about gut bacteria myself, probably at least once a week here in Living Well Daily. There’s a good reason for that. What we’ve learned about human health and the microbiome in the last decade or so is nothing short of stunning. We...

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Humble Gut Bugs are Heart Disease Superheroes

Unless you’ve been living on a remote island, you likely have an idea of how vital good gut health is for your overall well-being. After all, what we’ve learned about the microbiome’s relationship to our health in the last few years is nothing short of mind-blowing. A well-balanced microbiome has been linked to a lower...

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Can’t Stop Overeating? THIS Could Be WHY

A clever patient recently asked me, “We use rubbing alcohol to kill germs and clean surfaces. So, does drinking alcohol hurt the good bacteria living in my intestines?” It might seem like an odd question, at first. However, it reveals a remarkable intuition about how drinking alcohol and disinfecting alcohol could impact microscopic lifeforms. And...

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An Apple A Day DOES Keep the Doc Away

If you ask me, moms are equipped with superpowers. Look at how they manage to successfully juggle caring for kids, homes, and even husbands… and somehow make it look EASY. And then there’s the fact that mom always seems to KNOW the right things to do. Like how you should eat your fish because it’s...

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Happiness Starts HERE (WEIRD!)

We all instinctively know that our feelings can affect our gut. After all, we experience it firsthand. If you’ve ever been nervous about something (like a major event, meeting, or confrontation) and found you suddenly had to rush to the bathroom, then you know what I’m talking about. There’s a direct connection between what happens...

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"MIRACLE Molecule" RESISTS Aging?

The science of aging is growing at breakneck speed. It seems like hardly a week passes when we don’t learn something new. And now, one study in particular could upend everything we THINK we know about aging. Most importantly, it could unlock a way to “SLOW” it down…. And, incredibly, it may even help extend...

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Mailbag: Constipated? Try My “Path to Better Pooping”

“Constipation relief?” – Mark Hi Mark, Constipation is the worst. It leaves you feeling bound up and miserable. Many doctors think it’s okay to only go to the bathroom once or twice a week. I absolutely disagree. Most animals in the wild go to the bathroom a LOT more often than we do, typically right...

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Weird "Bug" Solution Beats Dry Eyes

Your eyes are the windows through which you see the world. But when they feel irritated and scratchy, it’s awfully hard to appreciate all the beauty they allow us to see. Medical professionals call the condition Keratoconjunctivitis sicca. It’s a real tongue twister, but it simply means dry eyes. Dry eyes occur when tears evaporate...

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“Belly” Solution STOPS Breast Cancer Spread

Getting diagnosed with cancer is terrifying. But do you know what makes it even MORE frightening? When the cancer spreads (metastasizes). Cancer doctors (oncologists) give cancers a rating between one and five, called a grade. It reflects how advanced the cancer is. In order to get a grade five, the cancer usually has to have...

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The Truth About Coffee (Wow!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Is coffee supposed to be good for you or bad for you? It seems like the mainstream media cannot make up its mind. Headlines scream that coffee will KILL YOU minutes after drinking it… then the next day, they’ll say that a cup of morning joe will keep you alive...

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