gut health

Follow Your “Gut Feeling” to Reduce Diabetes Risk

It seems like every day we learn something new about the incredible influence our gut has on our overall health. From mood to immunity, and even to how well we sleep, the community of microbes in our digestive tract is pulling the strings behind the scenes. So, it should come as no surprise that researchers...

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Better Mental Health with the Belly-Brain Bond

Feeling down in the dumps lately? Well, guess what? It might not be all in your head—it could be in your gut! That’s right… It turns out “having a gut feeling” might be far more than just a figure of speech. According to new research, it’s time to pay more attention to what’s going on...

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The Tiny, Tart Secret to a HEALTHIER Gut

Most of us have FINALLY gotten the message that our bodies have been desperately sending us all along… Good health relies on good GUT health. In fact, the microbiome in your digestive tract is connected to nearly every other aspect of your well-being. (I’ll have more on this bacterial treasure trove in just a minute.)...

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Secret Cancer-Fighting Duo REVEALED

You’ve no doubt heard a LOT about gut health lately. Heck, I talk about gut bacteria myself, probably at least once a week here in Living Well Daily. There’s a good reason for that. What we’ve learned about human health and the microbiome in the last decade or so is nothing short of stunning. We...

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Humble Gut Bugs are Heart Disease Superheroes

Unless you’ve been living on a remote island, you likely have an idea of how vital good gut health is for your overall well-being. After all, what we’ve learned about the microbiome’s relationship to our health in the last few years is nothing short of mind-blowing. A well-balanced microbiome has been linked to a lower...

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Belly Trick BOOSTS Brain Function

Boy do I love a cheap and easy solution. And if you can’t resist a good bargain either, keep reading. Because I have a brain-boosting one to share that fits the bill. If you’re like most folks, you intend to stay as sharp as a tack well into your golden years. So, you’re always on...

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Food Fix Delivers Better Brain Function in 12 Weeks

I’ll admit I’ve never been much of a fiber supplement fan. Can fiber help you stay regular? Certainly. However, there are much better ways to keep your morning bathroom routine on track than loading up on massive amounts of fiber. And for many folks, fiber supplements can cause a lot of gas, bloating, and pain....

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Can’t Stop Overeating? THIS Could Be WHY

A clever patient recently asked me, “We use rubbing alcohol to kill germs and clean surfaces. So, does drinking alcohol hurt the good bacteria living in my intestines?” It might seem like an odd question, at first. However, it reveals a remarkable intuition about how drinking alcohol and disinfecting alcohol could impact microscopic lifeforms. And...

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Mysterious Belly Link to Alzheimer’s REVEALED

A new study on Alzheimer’s reads a lot like a good detective story… Researchers followed a “wild” hunch, and the clues they uncovered revealed a potential new culprit behind the mystery of this devastating disease. Now, their breakthrough discovery has us looking at the belly INSTEAD of the brain. Until the early 1980s, one of...

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Mailbag: Gut Health Is CRITICAL at ANY Age

“Is gut health really that important? Will it really change the health of someone already in their 60s?” – Theresa Hi Theresa, It’s NEVER too late to make your gut healthier or to benefit from that improvement. Making healthy changes to your food, lifestyle, and gut microbiome in your 60s… and BEYOND… can still have...

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