hair loss

Losing Your Locks? The SURPRISING Solution

There’s no way to sugarcoat it. Losing your hair sucks. The hit to your self-esteem is no joke. You might even find yourself avoiding mirrors and hoarding hats. The treatment options are limited, often come with a laundry list of side effects, and deliver results that are about as predictable as a coin flip. It’s...

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Mailbag! The FIX for Female Hair Loss?

“Is there anything I can do to stop hair loss?” Joann from Bluffton, SC Women lose their hair FAR more often than people think. Even though hair loss is more common in men, it can ALSO happen to women at any age. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology says that by age 40, around...

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Mature woman looks at hair in hand and worries about hair loss

MAILBAG: NATURAL Hair Loss Solutions

“Anything natural for hair loss?” – Terry, Reno, NV Hi Terry, About 50 percent of men and 52 percent of women experience hair loss after age 50. In other words, it’s VERY common. Hair loss can occur for many reasons. And that can make it difficult to treat sometimes. But there are a few common...

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senior man

Regrow Your Hair?! (EASY)

Dr. Scott Olson, ND reveals how to regrow your hair.

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