high blood sugar

Illustration of a dial showing blood sugar levels labeled Glucose Levels Chart

Surprising Blood Sugar DANGER Signs

You’re not diabetic, so there’s no need to worry about your blood sugar, right? WRONG. The fact is your blood sugar levels don’t give a darn about your diabetes diagnosis. OR your lack of one, in this case. Either way, they’ll go right ahead, doing their damage to your blood vessels, nerves, and arteries. You...

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“Mystery Berry” TAMES High Blood Sugar

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you have diabetes, you know firsthand how wretched it can be. The constant finger pricks… painful injections… and the pill popping can drive anyone crazy. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Diabetes could be setting you up for deadlier conditions, like heart and kidney disease… or even...

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5 Signs of DANGEROUSLY High Blood Sugar

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, High blood sugar has long been known as a silent disease. In fact, scientists estimate that around 25 percent of the people with diabetes have no idea they even have it! This is understandable: if you ask anyone what their blood sugar is, chances are they have no clue. But...

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The Heart Attack WARNING SIGN You Need to Know

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There are a lot of things you can prepare for in life. You can stock up on extra toilet paper (as we definitely learned in the pandemic!), make sure you keep the oil changed in your car and buy life insurance… But when it comes to a heart attack, it...

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Stopwatch in someone's hand.

Stopwatch Trick REINS IN High Blood Sugar

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re struggling with diabetes, your doctor has probably already warned you about carrying around too much weight and not getting enough exercise. I’ll bet he’s also warned you about it getting even worse because of your family history and age. It can get to the point where you feel...

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This Condition Nearly DOUBLES Your Cancer Risk!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Cancer can attack anyone, of any age. That’s why it’s important to take offensive action as much as possible. And while taking your vitamins, eating your veggies, and getting exercise are all crucial to fending off cancer, one thing could be counteracting all of your good efforts. A new study...

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“Ticking Time Bomb” Leads to HEART ATTACK

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There’s a lot of things you can prepare for in life. You can stock up on extra toilet paper (as we definitely learned in the pandemic!), make sure you keep the oil changed in your car, and buy life insurance… But when it comes to a heart attack, it can...

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BEAT Diabetes with This Daily Habit

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re struggling with diabetes, your doctor has probably already warned you about carrying around too much weight and not getting enough exercise. I’ll bet he’s also warned you about it getting even worse because of your family history and age. It can get to the point where you feel...

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“Silk Berry” Extract SINKS Blood Sugar Spikes by 40%!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you have diabetes, you know firsthand how wretched it can be. The constant finger pricks… painful injections… and the pill popping can drive anyone crazy. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Diabetes could be setting you up for deadlier conditions, like heart and kidney disease… or even...

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15-Minute Trick DEFEATS Diabetes (Easy!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re struggling with diabetes, your doctor has probably already warned you about carrying around too much weight and not getting enough exercise. I’ll bet he’s also warned you about it getting even worse because of your family history and age. It can get to the point where you feel...

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