
"Carrot Cure" Keeps Arteries Clean

You want to keep your arteries clean and clear. That much is obvious, right? After all, you NEED good blood flow to deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. When blood vessels become clogged, they can’t do this VITAL job. Typically, when folks hear clogged arteries, the first thing that comes to mind is the...

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Killer Insomnia?!

One of the first things we learn as toddlers is that actions have consequences. It’s a lesson we’re reminded of throughout our lives. For example, if you smoke cigarettes, you may develop lung cancer. Drink too much alcohol and liver damage could be the result. Scarf down excess sugar, and you’ll likely pack on extra...

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Cause of “Broken-heart” Deaths REVEALED!?

You’ve undoubtedly heard a heartbreaking story or two about someone quickly passing away from grief after losing their spouse. Sadly, research confirms these tragic tales are TRUE. In fact, we ALL face an elevated risk of a “broken heart” death after someone close to us dies. But it turns out dodging death isn’t the ONLY...

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Risk of Stroke SURGES 50% Worldwide?!

It’s NOT good news. A recent report by the World Health Organization (WHO), confirmed that the chance of having a stroke has skyrocketed by a whopping 50 percent in the last twenty years. According to the WHO, that means your stroke risk is now about one in four. Next time you’re in a crowd, look...

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"One and Done" Thinking Boosts THIS Deadly Risk

If you exercise most days of the week, that’s FANTASTIC! I’ll be the first to congratulate you. You’re doing FAR better than most folks, and you should be proud of yourself. But if you’re a victim of what I call “one and done” (OAD) thinking, it could lead to unintended consequences despite your daily workout....

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[ALERT] NEW Stroke Risk Factors You NEED to Know

Strokes are devastating. They “scramble” your brain and can leave you with difficulties walking, talking, driving, or completing daily chores. As you age, your risk for one of these events grows. In fact, by the time you reach middle age, your stroke risk rises to an uncomfortable 17 percent. And the more birthdays you put...

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Poor sleep causes pain in a seniors calf.

Bedroom Habit DOUBLES Risk of KILLER Condition

I don’t mean to alarm you. Well, on second thought, maybe I do. Because being nervous just might motivate you to make changes that could save your life. Peripheral arterial disease, or PAD, doesn’t get much attention. In fact, there’s a good chance you’ve never even heard of this dangerous (and potentially deadly) condition. But...

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"Safe" Sweetener Puts You in HARMS Way

Scientists have insisted for years that artificial sweeteners are chemically inert. They said these Franken-sugars pass through your body unaltered, changing nothing along the way. But now those SAME scientists are being forced to eat crow… over and over again. A growing body of research confirms that fake sugars DO have adverse health effects after...

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The BENEFITS of Ringing in New Year's with a Drink?!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, As you get ready to ring in the New Year tonight, you might feel conflicted about whether to indulge in some alcohol this evening. On the one hand, it’s a time-honored tradition to toast the New Year with a glass of wine or champagne as the clock strikes midnight. But...

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The SHOCKING Truth About COVID’s Impact on the Brain

One of the most common concerns I hear from my senior patients is that they’re constantly worried about losing their minds. Sure, they’re afraid of the common illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes too. But it’s the thought of their brains turning to mush that REALLY keeps them up at night. After all, your...

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