
Is Your Bathroom Hiding a Dirty Secret?

Let’s talk about your bathroom. You probably spend much of your day there, from your morning routine to your evening wind-down. But how clean do you really keep it? Maybe you’re a neat freak, scrubbing every surface until it sparkles. Or perhaps you’re more of a “clean enough” type, giving things a quick wipe when...

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Is Your Bathroom Hiding a Dirty Secret?

Let’s talk about your bathroom. You probably spend a good chunk of your day there, from your morning routine to your evening wind-down. But how clean do you really keep it? Maybe you’re a neat freak, scrubbing every surface until it sparkles. Or perhaps you’re more of a “clean enough” type, giving things a quick...

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Germ Magnet Puts YOU at Risk (GROSS!)

If you weren’t already a “germaphobe” before COVID-19 arrived, there’s a good chance you became one after… well, for a while anyway. We ALL turned into clean freaks during the height of the pandemic. And it wasn’t just the constant hand washing, either. (Which I hope you’re STILL doing.) If you were like a lot...

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6 Simple Tips to FIGHT Cold and Flu

You’re in good company if you’re battling the sniffles right now. The post-holiday viral surge has begun. And everywhere you look, folks are dropping like flies. The stress of creating the “perfect” holiday and spending lots of time mingling with family and friends has made us ALL more vulnerable to catching colds or flu. And...

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Mailbag: Should You Get a Vaccine Booster?

“Do I really need to get a new COVID shot? I already have the first one.” – Carol from Cape Coral, FL Dear Carol, You’re not alone. It can be difficult to decide whether or not to get an updated COVID-19 vaccine. So, let’s look at some things I advise patients to consider before getting a...

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Mailbag: The TRUTH About RSV In Adults

“Should I be worried about RSV? Doesn’t it only affect babies?” – Gemma from Davenport, IA Hi Gemma,RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) can affect people of ANY age. We hear about it affecting children more than adults because the virus is more common and serious in babies and young children. When a kid younger than a year...

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Mailbag: STAY Healthy in a Senior Home

“We’ve unfortunately had to put my 90-year-old mother in a home. I’m so worried she’s going to get sick (especially with COVID still around). Is there anything I can do to help protect her?” Sam from Prattville, AL Hi Sam, Your situation sounds familiar. My father is in a senior living center with about 300...

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Doctor examining patient.

[Warning] AVOID This Public Bathroom Hazard

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Who would’ve imagined that we would still be fighting COVID-19 in 2022? And who would’ve EVER imagined that something we were taught in kindergarten is still the best way to keep everyone safe. I’m talking about washing our hands. And while washing your hands is “hands down” one of your...

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man sick on couch blowing nose.

“Z Solution” Prevents AND Shortens Colds!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, My son called me yesterday and told me he had a cold. Normally I wouldn’t be happy to hear that news, but in this era of COVID, I heaved a sigh of relief when he told me that’s all he had. But my son isn’t the only one suffering –...

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Prevent Nasty Colds and the Flu with These 6 Easy Tips!

When it comes to fighting a cold or flu, the mainstream gets it wrong every time.  Conventional docs push useless shots, dangerous nasal sprays, and cough medicines that don’t work.  But you don’t have to be a sitting duck every time you get a cold or flu.    Here’s my easy 6-step system that will make the sniffles disappear FAST.   Just because mainstream...

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