Strange “Water Vegetable” Fights COVID-19?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Ideally, your diet should be made up of as many different types of foods as possible. Many people eat the same foods over and over: the same breakfast, the same snacks, the same dinner. The problem is, this can lead to you missing out on certain nutrients. And with COVID-19...
Mailbag! How to Get Your Balance Back
I noticed that my balance is off. What would you suggest to fix it? –Hank from Johnson City, TN Hank, There can be MANY reasons for a person’s balance to be off: inner ear problems (including infections), head injury, poor blood circulation, certain medications, both low AND high blood pressure, neurological (nerve) conditions, There’s also...
Mainstream Drug Causes Brain Bleeding!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, No one sets out to get a head injury (except for maybe those prankster fellas on that show whose name I won’t mention in polite company). But it can still happen to anyone. Traumatic brain injury can occur when you receive a violent blow or jolt to your head. Anytime...
COVID-19 INCREASES Your Risk of This Deadly Disease
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I keep hearing on the news that each new COVID-19 variant is more infectious than the last. So far, the mainstream has done everything but outright SAY that we’re all going to get it at some point. But the problem with this sort of thinking is, it makes people shrug...
5 Reasons Why You Can’t Stop Snacking
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Have you noticed that you get hungry more often than those around you? It doesn’t seem to matter if you just ate… you’re still hungry! Maybe you find, more often than not, your stomach growling, you feel on edge, or you even get shaky at times. If this sounds like...
These 3 Diseases Now Linked to Dementia
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’m old enough to remember a time when the only way to know whether someone had Alzheimer’s disease was to perform an autopsy. And in truth, it wasn’t that long ago. Today we have all sorts of ways to tell whether you have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, including PET and...
Beat Chronic Fatigue with This Effortless Trick
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re scratching your head about what to do about chronic fatigue syndrome, you’re not alone. While there’s a lot of pain and misery with having chronic fatigue, it’s the overwhelming exhaustion that most people struggle with. You’ve probably tried extra strength coffee, energy drinks, and all sorts of tricks....
Mailbag! RELIEF for Annoying Night Sweats
I get night sweats so bad I have to get up and change my clothes and sheets, not just once but two to three times a night. Do you have any advice for this? –Petra from Boise, ID Petra, There are two main types of night sweats: hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal night sweats are caused...
Skipping These Four Foods TRIPLES Your Dementia Risk
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Think about any nine of your friends. According to current statistics, at least one of them will be diagnosed with dementia. And with the way things are, that number could just keep going up. While we have done wonders with dropping the risk of heart disease (mostly through diet and...
Are These Drugs Making Your Blood Pressure WORSE?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’ve talked till I’m blue in the face about how high cholesterol is no big deal for most people. High blood pressure (hypertension), however, is a HUGE PROBLEM… and you want to take get your blood pressure under control as best you can. Having uncontrolled high blood pressure increases your...