Dr. Scott Olson, ND Dr. Scott Olson, ND

Nearly 25 years ago, failed mainstream medical treatments left Dr. Olson in constant pain – and his health in ruins. And that’s when he did something REVOLUTIONARY. He began his career in medicine – and dedicated his life to uncovering the true, underlying causes of disease. Through his innovative medical practices in Tennessee and Colorado, Dr. Olson has helped cure countless seniors from across America of arthritis… heart disease… diabetes… and even cancer. All without risky prescription drugs or painful surgeries.

15-Minute Trick DEFEATS Diabetes (Easy!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re struggling with diabetes, your doctor has probably already warned you about carrying around too much weight and not getting enough exercise. I’ll bet he’s also warned you about it getting even worse because of your family history and age. It can get to the point where you feel...

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STOP the “Traffic Jam” of Aging (Wow!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Quarantine has been lifted and summer vacations are finally back! But that means one thing… Traffic. And nothing puts a damper on vacation like being stuck in your car, the hot sun beating down on you, as other cars barely inch forward… It doesn’t matter if you’re headed to San...

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Breakthrough COVID Infections!? (Shocking)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, One of the big unanswered questions about the COVID-19 vaccination is will it prevent you from getting an infection… After all, you have to get a new flu shot every year… so why would this be any different? But the truth is this: in life, there are no guarantees. And...

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Food Additive Gives You Diabetes!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Day in and day out, I tell my patients one thing… Food is medicine. Because if you want to stay strong and healthy, it starts with what you put on your plate. And just like some of Big Pharma’s meds, certain foods will do nothing but leave you sicker. In...

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[WARNING] FDA Recalls THIS Fruit!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, When did it become so dangerous to go to the grocery store? I’m not talking about masking up to stay safe from COVID-19… Or avoiding those preservative-filled snacks in the middle aisle… I’m talking about another darn food recall from the FDA! And this time, it’s for one of my...

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[Alert] COVID-19 Raises Risk of Deadly Brain Disease By 17%?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I don’t know about you, but if I see the words “social distance” one more time I’m going to scream. I think we all have a little bit of fatigue from the length of COVID-19, and its ability to reach far into our lives. And with the Delta variant spreading...

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Mailbag! Tired of High Blood Pressure Meds? Try THIS!

I was wondering if you could give some advice about how to lower blood pressure naturally. I hate the side effects of my medication and would like to try something else. –Norman from Rochester, NY Norman, Many people rightfully complain about the side effects of blood pressure medications. Whether it’s a persistent cough, muscle pain,...

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Don’t Fall for This FAKE Alzheimer’s Treatment

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I have a feeling that people in the future will look back at us and cringe at the thought of some of our common medical practices. Because even though these methods may not look barbaric now, time will tell. And like the way we look down on bloodletting or leeches,...

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REDUCE Your Diabetes Risk with this “5 to 7” Trick

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, No one ever said life would be easy… but does it have to be so dang HARD sometimes? Keeping up with your health as you age can feel like you’re taking a test you didn’t study for. Having to keep track of what symptoms mean… getting to all of your...

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[ALERT] “Fat Gene” Myth BUSTED!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, My patient Andrea has been struggling with weight ever since she can remember. In fact, some of her earliest memories aren’t of the first time she went to the beach or going to kindergarten… they’re of her parents telling her to eat less. But when she heard what I had...

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