Discovered: Hidden Trigger ACCELERATES Aging
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, When you were a kid, you probably never thought about how life would be when you reached your golden years… you were probably too busy riding your bike with no hands and eating Twinkies! But now that you’re a senior, life looks MORE than just a little different. The fact...
TRIPLE Boost Your Heart with THIS Diet Trick! (Wow)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, You’ve been sold a lie by Big Food companies. How many times have you grabbed a soda because you needed a quick boost of energy? Or maybe instead you reached for a donut or snack cake as a pick-me-up. Food companies want you to think that sugar is equal to...
HEAL Chemo Gut Pain with This Wonder Vitamin
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Fighting cancer takes a special kind of bravery. It involves seeking out every possible treatment and never giving up hope. And if you’re one of those folks, I salute you. I’ve seen it all when it comes to cancer treatment, and the mainstream’s so-called options are hardly that. I know...
BEEF UP Your Immune System with THESE Foods (YUM!)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, In life, there are no sure things aside from death and taxes, as the expression goes. And if you ask the mainstream, they’d add disease. But this simply isn’t true. You’ve discovered by now that aging doesn’t have to mean watching your health fall apart (though Big Pharma would love...
43% of Alzheimer’s Patients Have This Condition (Scary)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, You may have heard that the greatest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease is simply how old you are. And that’s not very helpful. After all, we’d ALL choose to be Benjamin Button and reverse our aging if we could! Your doc might have warned you about other factors, like family...
Forbidden Snack BOOSTS Weight Loss! (YUM)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I don’t know about you, but when someone tells me I CAN’T do something, it makes me want to do it even more! Whether it’s biking 30 miles in one day or climbing a difficult mountain trail, I love to prove people wrong. And when it comes to dieting, it’s...
Could This Disease Be Linked to Severe COVID-19 Infection!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Even with the vaccine, COVID-19 cases are still rising. And it’s not because the vaccine or safety precautions aren’t working… far from it. Folks, the sad truth is, the coronavirus is never truly going away. Which is why it’s important to eliminate as many risks as you can. And now...
Calcium Is ATTACKING Your Brain! (Shocking)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you had to name one supplement off the top of your head, which one comes to mind immediately? I’d bet you five dollars that it’s calcium. Day in and day out, it’s just about the only nutrient you ever hear about… especially as you age. Strong bones ARE the...
[LADIES] Simple Trick Increases Your Mobility by 46%!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, As you age, mobility can become a big issue. I’m not just talking about balance or walking without a cane. Low mobility can mean putting yourself at risk for fractures or a broken hip… and once that happens, it’s all downhill from there. And this applies especially to senior women....
Killer Cancer MUTATION Discovered (… And How to BEAT It!)
Dear Reader, I’m generally not a fan of horror movies, even around Halloween. If I’m going to relax, I’d rather laugh than be scared out of my skin! But unfortunately, some things in life are scarier than even the worst slasher film. And that includes cancer. When it comes to your health, cancer is just...